

White women who want to broadcast their politics (in addition to actually taking action, ahem) could also just wear a t-shirt from Planned Parenthood, the ACLU, Amnesty, SPLC, CAIR, BLM, NOW, NPR, DNC ... the possibilities are endless. Just anything at all besides almost literally #notallwhitewomen.

This week on “Blame it on Black People”...

That seems like a strange thing to say right on the heels of praising Mitt Romney, who is a pretty close match to her in terms of political skills.

I am so tired of this “wahhh people didn’t turn out to vote! we all need to vote!!” Have you seen how many voters were rejected at the polls? How many polling were closed? Getting people out to vote isn’t just about handing out stickers. We need to be walking people through the entire process, because republicans are

I think “Whitish” was a rejected title name for HBO’s “Girls”.

oh look, a hot take.

This. Voter suppression won this election for Trump, and it irks me that almost no one is talking about it.

You may wish to revist the series finale of Dinosaurs then.

I appreciate the humor...but I have one more somber thought.

I have a vegetarian friend and when we go to dinner she just stares longingly at my burger before telling me “I never really did like meat.”

Heh, I always used to do that as a kid - I was more interested in just main-lining all of the crust-carbs possible.

She is bad and her opinions are bad.

Also it sounds like she has a point about the cowbells.

I clicked on this because I just had to see how her veganism was relevant.

fuck that bell!

What a pretty cow in the header. Made me google Swiss cow. Was not disappointed.

She’s not just a vegan, she’s a anti-bell.

Is this guy just low key trolling or he touched?

Yeah like this happened in fucking 2005, let’s stop with the age excuses already. No it’s not an excuse to be a racist, no it’s not an excuse to be a misogynist, no it’s not an excuse to sexually assault women.