
So a law designed to protect people in domestic abuse cases is targeting...young women fighting with their parents. Surprise.

They got real problems to deal with.

I mock triggering and safe spaces. Guess what race I am.

Please don’t feed the Trolls, they’ll only get bigger and bolder...

No, you don’t get it. Otherwise you wouldn’t have responded with this half assed remark.

Sorry, but you seem like a dick (with undetermined melanin content). :-)

oh, you mean the poor persecuted white people who came and tried to exterminate the indigenous population? Those immigrants?

This doesn’t make sense. So girls are what, 51% of the population? But the laws and practices “diproportionatelly” affect them? I mean on its face the statement is true, but if the meaning is that girls are being unfairly targeted, then the numbers do not back that up. Unless we are saying that like 50% of all

You’re right, this is all a feminazi plot to take away the power of poor, emasculated men. This is absolutely what feminist belief. It’s also unfair that men die earlier and have to go to war and work construction and women can sit at home and eat bon bons and have men protect them. Oh, and don’t forget to mention

A two minute Google search yielded this:


I see our education system has failed you since you can’t distinguish between throwing something at someone in class and throwing a Barbie doll at a relative in your own home.

Lol you really wrote all that. You had time to think it over but you still hit Publish

Yes, you’re that white boy who already got his.

Not to mention how often we’re gaslighted when we talk about the racist shit that happens to us. “Oh he was only joking he wasn’t being racist.”

And if you are a POC and you talk about racism sometimes people call you racist.

no offense to white hills

Its interesting because POC don’t openly talk about racism because its something that is part of our daily living.

It’s funny how some white folks try so hard to play victims of racism. I actually have experienced Islamophobia and racism, but it’s not something I want to talk about in “real life” because I feel awkward about it, I don’t like having people feel “sorry” for me or pity me. I got food thrown at me in school and got