eeeeee I’m so happy for Jill. full disclosure is I know her/her family (not well but facebook friends) and I’ve been following their success and I just think they’re doing so well. Really happy she won the Emmy.
eeeeee I’m so happy for Jill. full disclosure is I know her/her family (not well but facebook friends) and I’ve been following their success and I just think they’re doing so well. Really happy she won the Emmy.
you can thank the Soloway’s for that :D
you must not know many comfortably well off white families then
you said that twice, are you a psychiatrist or know this for sure, or just spitballing? bc I don’t think that’s how abandonment issues manifest.
ew, man, no, damn it! more fucking creeps in my city. SMDH.
:( so sorry this happened.
really, really, really hate it when men (or anybody I guess) say “she’s crazy” because a girl had emotions and expressed them. yelling at your boyfriend when he’s being a dick is not being crazy. being crazy is NOT saying anything, letting it boil up, then murdering him in his sleep.
Gwen Ifill and I went to the same college!
hi, did you read my comment? no? what a surprise
it’s about par for the course for Kim K. I’ve, for some unknown reason, read a few of her interviews. Her and Kanye are like aliens from space.
how do you know that was even her decision tho? and even if it was, she’s a politician, running a campaign. she’s following rules to try to stay on message, and she actually has one.
right? it’s not like rich people are gonna end up selling off their porches to pay taxes. well, maybe some of them, but they were probably avoiding paying their taxes for a long time.
Til the last line breaks none of us are free.
why not both?
I don’t think he’s gonna win, at least I’m hoping and praying, but you’re right. Tired of us playing nice guy. Fuck that.
not fighting with ya
people who go around with fake british accents are fucking annoying. you sound insufferable.
this is Gwyneth circa my favorite Gwyneth movie, Sliding Doors! thanks for reminding me of that!
I WANT IN! Can LA somehow be included? A Cascadia/SoCal marriage?