we SHOULD all be looking for our fucking homework. not doing our homework is what got us into this mess
we SHOULD all be looking for our fucking homework. not doing our homework is what got us into this mess
well, yeah. because she’s taking so much heat for shit he isn’t taking heat for. he seems to absorb any criticism, while she gets buried. it’s bullshit. but don’t worry, I can tell you exactly why I’m voting for her without mentioning his name.
virgin, mother, whore.
she is very attractive. when she was younger too, Bill didn’t stand a chance against that nerdy serious smart tough lady
I love Bernie’s speaking voice. As has been pointed out, you can say ANYTHING with his voice and it’s funny.
too many men, to be true. lots of women are idiots too, unfortunately
do you know about this thing called proportionality
is Hillary even responding to these criticisms? NO.
I agree, but I’m not particularly worried about HRC’s speaking skills when she’s up against Trump
if you’re interpreting what people have said to you in this thread as calling you a “chauvisnistic misogynist [sic] pic” that’s on you. cause nobody said that, or anything close to that.
...which is what everyone (except a few people) are saying in this thread. criticize HRC all you want, that doesn’t make you sexist. what makes it sexist is when the criticism is heaped on her but not men who do the same thing, or worse.
that’s...not true. I would say the percentage is more like 50% depending on the article.
we’re all in this together! I love Jez’s comment section for the same reason. Most of the time, it’s reasoned, intelligent, educated and evidenced discourse.
gawd. to be truthful, I shouldn’t be reading ANYBODY’s comment sections or social media posts except people I actually know. way too easy to think poorly of them.
ah, yes, geese in bonnets, very chic, very modern.
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Nicole! damn it. there goes my dream of quitting my job and begging her to let me be her intern
not much to say, but when you watch the same people on TV for a long period of time, you get to know them somewhat, or at least you get to see them interacting with people over and over. the way Jon and Kate started talking to each other was like....not good, clearly not how two people who were in it together would…
haha, this happens in every home reno show.