
Are you purposely trying to piss off Jalopnik’s children? A lot of these people fear the rain…

He was comparing it to the 2.0 for some reason. 

Well there’s a second likely reason given that he doesn’t sound very appealing in a romantic sense.

They did name it “Hurricane”

I think you misunderstood my comment. I could not agree more with you.

While the stars might align, Tesla body panels never will.

I’m not sure what Shiteater wrote.

Yeah, seriously. Don’t like twitter, don’t use it. My only qualm with this increased stake is Musk does use twitter to manipulate the market.

Shout it from the roof tops. 

If your costs are supply driven instead of initial-infrastructure driven, economies of scale work exactly the opposite way that everybody who was wrong about BEVs needed them to.

Not sure if you noticed, but there’s a thing going on with Apple and payment methods.

I remember when Microsoft got sued for giving you Internet Explorer for free.

I get your point, but...

Also, the MGU-K for F1 “only” produces roughly 160bhp, so it’s not that much different and still less than Bradley’s Nissan Leaf.  As you stated, budget is the big thing. You can run a single car in the Indycar season for less than $15 mil(high estimates) whereas Ferrari and Mercedes are spending $175 mil for two


You cant argue with Bradley, he knows all, he is omnipotent. 

Good. The sooner we get away from the EV stupidity, the better. EVs are a dead end. We should instead be focusing on making carbon-neutral synthetic fuels that are a drop-in replacement for gasoline. That’s how you make transportation carbon-neutral immediately, by just switching what’s coming out of the pump, instead

“Work” is a relative term. Right now, automakers are cashing-in on cache and any tax credits that come next. This is not about the environment (it never was)- it’s about money!

Cars 2 is basically the plot of Quantum of Solace.