
It’s all part of El Plan.

Personally, I’m rooting for Vettel. But I don’t like the Strolls...

Latifi new champion!  You read it here!

Comparing it to the Telluride, which just looks right, is especially jarring. It’s like how the new landrovers that just keep going up and keep tapering to the top look mis-proportioned.

the last gen GM full-sizers are surprisingly attractive vehicles on the outside. The current-gen look...funny.

2nd Gear: . . . how in the world are you going to be willing to force consumers into electric vehicles or more fuel-efficient cars?” 

LOL. who do you think stopped campaign finance reform? Your republican buddies and Citizens United.

This.  I’m as liberal as it gets and Obama was a disaster as far as I’m concerned.  So many wasted opportunities. 

We put the officials in place. We get what we deserve.

Dems had all three branches under Obama and did fuck all about stuff like this.”

This is the fault of voters.

As a reservation holder I would argue it does not exist.

but why would any engineer or bean counter use plastic coolant lines on high compression V8 knowing that it will fail under 70k? For a few pennies more you can use rubber and it will last forever.  When you’re making cars to last 50k since they’re all leased then you get to the answer.

It’s my budget bucket theory. Picture a colossus holding two (or more) buckets of budgets each jealously guarded by minions. They will lie, cheat and steal to keep the money in their bucket, including stealing money from the other bucket. Until a minion can reach the head of the colossus and whisper in his ear that

So much this!

I feel that! At Chrysler, the fact that the “Powertrain Team” was a separate entity from the “Vehicle Team” is literal insanity, and caused soooo many problems.

No. Purchasing’s bonus is generally tied to BOM cost, not warranty due to their decisions. New parts for different variants increases overall price, and then the buyer won’t be able to take a sweet vacation to Cabo.

Yes, absolutely. I sort of alluded to this when I mentioned the Versa’s engine going into other vehicles that might not have room in front for a manifold.

Developing cars is so incredibly complex, with pressures from purchasing and higher management.

Often times, if engineers had their way, a car would be better.

Yep. The idea that this screw up was somehow out of the blue is what amazes me. It was clear all season (especially towards the end) that Masi’s decisions were all over the place. Nobody is arguing the stewarding and race direction aren’t a problem. The amount of attention being placed on this one call is only because

The new recruits here lately have been confusing stunning engineering with the rich people who own them, and that their job should be to cover the vehicle first. Almost everyone who reads Jalopnik already thinks Bezos is a scumbag, piling on is just annoying. Spanfeller’s plan for G/O seems to be to turn it into a