
Look, I loved Brie like the rest of 'em: she was such a winning presence in United States of Tara, which was when I first noticed her, but gosh darn it, this piece of pop treacle is absolute death to listen to.

Only Yesterday also contained one of the greatest endings I have ever seen. I'm talking about the train scene. Just thinking about it brings a tear to my eye.

That's exactly who I had in mind while reading the book. And dressed in flannel.

The year was 1994, pre-Internet. My family recently moved house, and this was the first time in my life (at 15 years old) that I had my own bedroom. No accommodations yet: it was an empty room with no sofas or beds or wardrobes, just my trusty stereo that I had tuned to a station. And so, for reasons unknown even now,

The original Police Story is one of my favorite films of all time, action or not.

Good call on Not Another Teen Movie. Very underrated, Chyler Leigh should have had a bigger career, and of course it contains one of the greatest lines ever, sung by Mia Kirshner.

Harriet, Eddie, Laura, Grandma, Aunt Rachel, Little Richie and the other little kid on Family Matters.

Best thing about Raw tonight was Barrett's uncontrollable laugh after Rusev's bus story. An off-the-cuff moment that has become so rare because WWE insists on controlling, homogenizing and sterilizing every single facet of its programs and wrestlers.

I loved Regal's Man's Man theme. Ridiculously awesome.

Leslie was unrecognizable as the Disciple. I did a spittake when I realized it was him.

You brought up a nice point. People forget that before the Shockmaster's entrance, the interview taking place was horrible, in terms of people just talking all over each other and the wrestlers' bad positioning. Flair was also never a good interviewer.

One of the things that I loved about wrestling is that these wrestlers gave everything to perform their anointed gimmick, even if it opened them up to ridicule. Thus among this list, I would give the greatest performance to Adrian Adonis, who was an excellent talker and brawler in his AWA days, and did a complete 180

No. 17 man… No. 17…. *shudders*

Ok, I stopped watching the show after five episodes because I didn't really enjoyed it that much but what are the two twists? I think I can guess the first one because the way the two main characters interact you can sort of guessed, but what's the floored second one?

One of the very few positive things I took from the series is that most of the journalists reporting the case were actually competent at their jobs and were pretty smoking hot (that glasses chick, that grey-haired guy).

It wasn't Kachinsky who cried about the ribbon but Mike O'Kelly, his investigator, but yes, I agree with you completely.

I was like you. 5 episodes in and I gave up on the show because it didn't tell me anything new. There are just too much television for me to keep going at it, but who knows, maybe it did get better after.

Even as a child, I found the animations and writing horribly lazy. Just look at how the Scooby Gang run! And compare that with the effortless zaniness of any Roadrunner/Wild E. Coyote episode.

Hanna-Barbera cartoons really do suck ass.

Wait, when did Sean left and why and where and… WHY???!!!