
I loved her so much. And vowed to watch every film she ever did, which is near impossible, but one I won't stop trying. Ironically, her best film was one she never starred in: Millennium Actress, which was one of the most surreal, deranged and heartbreaking films I've ever seen, topped off by the most spectacular

People always talk of the Smiths as Morrissey and Marr, and it does a huge disservice to Andy Rourke and Mike Joyce, you know, the other two members of the band. Joyce is a solid drummer but Rourke may be the most underrated bassist ever. Listen to 'Barbarism Begins At Home', 'Still Ill' or even 'Miserable Lie'. If

Oh my god, yes.

I remembered watching this on a bad downloadable copy before torrents were made, thought the blonde actress was pretty cute. Then Naomi did a line reading with Laura, its dialogue sounded like a cheesy rom-com, but when she auditioned using the same exact lines, it turned into something completely elsewhere entirely,

It actually tied everything together, so to speak. Brilliant finish.

I thought Alexander Siddiq's RR was the best yet, but Richard Kind's may just be up there as well.

The song Youngstown is an absolute heartbreaker.

Thanks for sharing the article. Directors too often get lauded for genius shots but it is a collaborative process, and the unsung crew should be sounded out more.

Is this AV Club 'School Week'? I don't see a banner.

I like your username.

First video that came to mind when I read the headline was 'Imitation of Life'. But the lasting memory from my watching it first time was that 'fish cake'.

I saw what you did there.

Cage's weary resignation when he was nearly shot point blank by the convenience store clerk was a delight.

I'm getting kind of tired of the rake gag in The Simpsons, simply because my choice of 'always make me laugh' moment appears in the same episode, when Homer comes barging into Bart's bedroom armed with a chainsaw and hockey mask and asks, "Bart!! You wanna see my new chainsaw and hockey mask?!!" The whole sequence

Josh Charles' angry dance was hilarious too.

The best version yet.

I just watched the first episode. I actually applauded at my computer monitor when the credits rolled in. Can't wait to watch the rest.

And now I will miss The Dissolve even more.

Good article and certainly got me piqued to watch.

Can anyone tell what that theme song was from OJ's Trial?