drake's hoverboard

Follow up to the sheet question. If you went with blanket and comforter instead of sheets are you obliged by clean man law to wash that blanket every two weeks? 1 week? I knew a guy named J.D. who didn’t wash his sheets for over a year. He’d eat McDonald’s in bed, pretty disgusting.

Hahaha and this is my annoyance with Bernie supporters—because NO ONE can enact their agenda with a congress who is against them—which is why the ‘08 Obama-esque hero worship that is present in some of his supporters makes me nuts.

So, a nicer way of saying she is more corrupt.

... Except that those oh-so enthusiastic/obnoxious young'uns may actually turn up at the polls and their downticket votes could well turn the Senate, but we should all ignore that coz Berniebros, maaan.

thinkpiece idea: “man who has been in congress for 20 years just doesn’t understand how congress works”

So you’re saying she can get things done because she is corrupt and Sanders is not.

This. I have yet to see anyone reasonably explain how a congress that wouldn’t work with Sanders would somehow play ball with Hillary, who is the embodiment of the two things they hate most: Clintons and women. Congress giving Hillary Clinton an inch on anything? Talk about pie in the sky, magic wand waving and

Along those lines are the people praising her ‘pragmatism’, the same pragmatism that led her to support the Iraq War and to be against marriage equality. I’d much rather have a Democrat as President that just vetoes the shit out of everything the Republican House and Senate send their way* (and accomplishes nothing

That estranged parent shit is so white.

Can you stop writing these ignorant ass articles please. Like all black people do this.....its ridiculous....oh and if i dont do it...suddenly im not black. For that matter...where are the articles on Mexican Christmas, Asian Christmas...etc? Well?

Hopefully all the people who say blacks only eat fried chicken and watermelon will now drop those racist stereotypes, and replace them with the racist stereotypes in this article.

I seriously doubt that Malkmus is no less calculated than the others. Fuck him, too.

Zwan should have been given more of a chance.

It’s very telling that in her narrative, she admits to not being a saint and never asks anyone to take her side or attack him, while he plays the martyr who did nothing wrong, makes it about race (which is, conveniently, the theme of his maybe book) and explicitly insults anyone who believes her and not him. Typical.

Few if any in the west cared to do anything about the scores of migrants who were dying in the Mediterranean Sea every day, there was no outrage about bombing in Beirut the day before the Paris attacks, there was absolutely minimal reporting about the 147 people killed at a school in Kenya.

But muslims have been killing muslims in Syria, Iraq, Turkey etc for hundreds of years before even one westerner set foot in any muslim country.

The fans booed the Paris moment of silence because Turkey is not the country Westerners think it is or want it to be. Turkey has become deeply conservative and Islamist under Erdogan and it is hurting our war on ISIS, thanks to its horrible actions against the Kurds.

This article’s description of the Kurds’ actions in

LOVED THAT GAME. Remember the dope 90's packaging?!?

Did anyone else play JetFighter II: Advanced Tactical Fighter back in the early 90's? That game is the root cause of my love affair with the YF-23.