
Eldritch Horror! I am not an RPG guy in general (or a tabletop person) and this game sucked me in and even got my wife in (who is DEFINITELY not an RPG or game person). It’s complex but fun and once you get in the rhythm it’s easy for anyone to get down.

It’s worth mentioning that you can play any kind of game you want with any set of rules, or even mix-and-match to fit your purposes. Ultimately, the meat of the RPG isn’t what is on paper, but what is at the table, the collaborative story being built. RPG rulesets are just there to help referee the action in various

Redwall. And, generally speaking, when you talk about RPGs, inspiration is everything. Nothing prevents someone from running a Redwall campaign off the Mouse Guard rules.


Thank you! I have no experience with Fate, but it’s such a big one that it definitely deserves mention.

No Fate?

Mouse Guard is based on the comic series of the same name by David Petersen. Though that might be inspired by Redguard, Mouse Guard is its own entity.

I edited this piece, so thought about it a lot, and I was in the Peace Corps too (and left early for reasons much, much milder than this, but in the same area of sexual safety and security)—I actually think, in Yaara’s case, it seems like Peace Corps is going to bat for her a decent amount, to a decent edge of their

If 6 of 18 women were raped in your class that suggests a serious problem in the way Peace Corps operates. You are letting them off too lightly here I think. It’s obvious that the locals know that you are not protected. Peace Corps should be kicking it Roman style. Instead they are abandoning you guys. Disgraceful.