
Ah, the third person who can’t read the bloody recommended stories.

Hardly. It’s not just that he was poking fun at them, oh look at the “man” in women’s clothing. No, he was outright saying that their identities were bullshit. This is a group of people who are being killed in record numbers and already have a suicide attempt rate of at least 41%. It’s not in good fun then, it’s

Go back to Tumblr, booger smearers!

Check the recommended stories on this very article. This wasn’t a difficult search.

It’s actually one of the automatically linked stories on this article.

If a comedian wrote a piece about the “inferior races” or the “violent religion,” doing so in a public setting, with many following his every word, would it be hate speech or just a bit of ha-has?

Hate speech is hate speech, especially when you think of human beings as being a punchline.

He called trans people lunatics, jokes, and said some other awful things. That’s hate speech.

He wrote hate speech, plain and simple. That makes him a colossal ass. Period.

He still wrote an article that was pure hate speech. Can’t blame that on stress.

Missed an opportunity for a “Man bites dog” headline:

The man has absolutely no experience, and a pretty lousy understanding of the law (he thinks he can sue anyone who sparks one of his temper tantrums and has talked about violating people’s 1st amendment rights). What does anyone really expect of him?

Coal rollers and these idiots brought us here. But then the focus should be on them, not all modifications. I fully support going after people lying about the usage of their car and intentionally modifying cars to pollute because you lack function brain cells, but all mods? By being too harsh, the bill will never get

The earth is being choked by greenhouse emissions, but the people responsible aren’t those affected by this, that’s for sure. Hey, EPA, why not push for green energy more vocally, and filter some damn water before telling people what they can do with their cars?

Found British Donald Trump.

But they won’t. Controversial people are good marketing. But when a group of people who are often the victims of violence are being sacrificed for attention to a blow hard spewing ignorant hate speech, they have the right, perhaps even the obligation, to take the microphone away from someone who would use it to cause

Oh, look, someone who knows everything about psychology and trans issues!

It’s not because of what he said or thinks. It’s because people don’t want Amazon to give him a podium to stand on and spew his crap.

The same could be said of Jeremy...

Yeah! Haha! Look at all the dead trans people! HA! What a schtick!