
So, he’ll be alone? Top Gear needs 3 people, so where are the other two?

Not anymore.

Someone take the Metroid IP away from Nintendo, those idiots don’t know what the hell they’re doing with it.

Ultra underwhelming and disappointing.

I always tell my friend when he’s concerned about the interior of the car:

This new VR headset can make you feel like you’re right there, in the game, floating over the character you’re controlling!

I’ve bemoaned this trend from the beginning. Gaming was a social thing for me. Growing up, we’d go to each other’s houses and play video games together. My brother and I played all the time. In college, we’d sit together on a couch and play games.

Somebody hit B a LOT

I have stretched piercings, I often would stop by when I was in the mall to see if they had anything cool in my size (which they rarely do). I saw the store kind of go from this dark, maybe goth, maybe emo, totally tolerable place that sometimes had cool band tees to become a place to become this haven for the worst

Oh boy, a video game movie? Awesome!

This is what I felt having a Yeerk in your head would be like.

I’ve said horrible things about Big Bang Theory, like it’s predictable, rehashes old jokes, and works off of nothing but tired old stereotypes. However, seeing it in brick form makes me hate it less.

It’s worth it. I really don’t like Telltale games, in my opinion, this is much better than any Telltale game I’ve tried to play.

God I hope not. Although I’m worried there will be some pretty heavy personal sacrifice, and at least one more huge twist.

Well, that douche Nathan destroyed a bunch of the photos, so maybe it’ll be more limited than you’d think.

You didn’t have a visceral reaction to episode 2?

No. I put the subtitles on, watch the body language (which is actually pretty good), and ignore the mouths, and I’m a person who reads lips when I’m talking to someone, as I sometimes can’t understand people. If I can do it, you can. Don’t let some lips being off sync push you away from a fantastic game.

Well, she also had her dad die and her best friend ditch her at the same time. Plus, now her best friend is gone, and she finds out the stepdouche has cameras planted all over her house, even in her room! I’d say the fact that she never held a grudge against Max and still considers Max her best friend, and hasn’t

I wouldn’t call it point and click, at all. I can’t even begin to get immersed in Telltale games, but I’ve been completely absorbed by Life is Strange, as well as another game this reminds me of, Heavy Rain.

It actually is sort of clear. Chloe gets a sweet 16 present: a car from her dad. In the real timeline, her mom is finding a new man around this time, so it’s just another bitter time for her.