
Agreed. Holding the controller in that awkward position was infuriating, and the silly first person mode was a nod to Prime, but felt very much out of place. I actually didn't mind the story, even the telling of an immature version of Samus, but those awful controls are what ruined it for me.

Agreed, I felt as though the lock-on feature enabled more reaction-based and faster gameplay. Not only that, you could charge up your charge beam without feeling like you might waste it shooting at an enemy that moves much (especially when your Wii remote is struggling to track where you're pointing it).

The lock-on feature is why the Gamecube games were better than their Wii counterparts. The charge beam was almost useless when the monsters are moving around and you're having enough trouble with the Wii remote tracking you. The Gamecube versions are far superior here. I often wished I could play Metroid Prime 3 with

I actually started replaying Metroid Prime on my Gamecube last night! Truly fantastic game (and series), and possibly one of the best games Nintendo ever released.

Stephen: Hunters was horrible. It's barely a Metroid game.

Says the guy with legs...

I don't think we have any moral high ground on this one.

I'm the same, say endless runner and I usually lose interest. I have enough of those. But this does look unique enough to give it a shot. Price it at or under $3 and we have a deal.

Lane departure warnings. We've become a society that needs a computer to tell us to watch the road and get back into our lane before we kill someone because we were instagramming a selfie.

Scariest thing you can find in an engine bay?

The best revenge is moving on. For fucks sake, you don't act like a bratty 3 year old and wreck something of theirs. Grow up.

I'm now going to watch some videos of the Hellcat getting thrashed. Sounds like there's plenty of them.

Oh, and use the red key.

Car manufacturers know about potential safety issues with their vehicles but will only do something about it if enough people are dying to offset the cost of a recall.

Not only that, they gave their employees decent pay, with incentive-based bonuses. I worked in one of these stores. What really hurt the business was a lack of merchandise. People would come in looking for a certain product, phone, or cellular carrier, and not find it. They'd then leave, and next time, they wouldn't

What else is going to power our armada of oversized bloated SUVs?

As someone with hundreds of apps and over 64 GB used up, I can say this: smartphones don't work for games with many onscreen buttons. However, there's a funny thing about the NES, Gameboy, and even Gameboy Advance: few buttons.

I absolutely love Kirby's Adventure. I've played other Kirby games, but I never felt as though they were as good as Kirby's Adventure. I should check out some of the newer ones.

Insurance premiums. This might be fast as hell, but it's also capable of seating 5, with four door and a hatch. Will your passengers need barf bags? Maybe. But at least no one will say road trips with you are boring, and your insurance will be lower too.

That's what I was thinking too. It was obviously cheesy, but I frequently say shit like that just to be funny. It's totes one of my most favorite hella cool things to do. yolo beyotches!