
The notion that anyone could go to jail for something like this is absolutely absurd. America's lousy judicial system at work.

Or how about any, since there are many competent and fun fwd cars these days, and there are also plenty of lousy rwd vehicles.

Any vibrant color really, but I'm going to go with Purple, because even the cars with an array of choices skip out on it, and I think the right shade looks great, especially when paired with black wheels and a tint.

No. I mean non linear maps and a bit of difficulty and sense of risk. Seriously, pkmn black/white was a walk in the park.

I think this would be much better suited for mobile, iOS and Android especially.

A sense of adventure and the actual capability of catching all the Pokemon?

I think Nintendo shot themselves in the foot by introducing new pokemon with each generation. They started to lose their charm, becoming generic characters, and when Pokemon don't have charm, gamers are more willing to use a competing game with other monsters they don't recognize.

I wish they'd ban rolling coal and intensive HID mods. Inconsiderate pricks.

I understand the reasoning behind this. It's not just to force these people to be safer. This reduces the chance of these vehicles causing an accident due to their poor handing characteristics and risk of blowouts, and also affects insurance premiums. Think about it, these cehicles are less safe, and therefore should

Yes. Essentially this was a Russian-backed terrorist attack. That's Putin's Russia for you.

I thought Double Dash was so lousy that I haven't played a new Mario Kart game since. It wasn't just the co-op nature, the courses and definitely the way the cars handled felt wrong. I've played the N64 and SNES versions, both fantastic, but the N64 version will always hold a place in my heart.

I can acknowledge the existence of this video, but for my poor heart, I refuse to watch it.

Exactly what I was going to say. Those things can be a blast. Turn in hard and lift off the throttle to have some sideways fun, no hand break or even scand. flick required.

Ugh. This is just another great example of the issue at hand when it comes to sexism, relationships, and all arguments: not seeing someone else's point of view.

Unpopular opinion:

Am I the only one who never heard of a slur being used in eenie-meanie until now?

Way to not go the extra mile, Ford. 1,964 of these to be made? Where's the last half, huh? THOSE ~6 MONTHS COUNT TOO.

I'm more disgusted by the fake grille made of plastic on the front of this car.

"Get your damn greasy fingers on my windows!"

She might just deserve a prize for being the only person who noticed it.
Was it intended to be racist? Maybe. Top Gear does that sort of thing on occasion. It's something we like to call "humor".