Sure, they'll know I watched a show, but how will my friends know I continue watching the last three seasons of a show that aren't on Netflix?
Video removed for violating terms of service?
Because politicians are bought in this country.
I'm sure if Samsung just changed the device enough to make it look different, it would be fine with them.
A huge screen isn't useful. An extra inch of viewing with still crowed UI elements is not worth it. Plus, with a bigger screen, it's more difficult to reach across the device. There's just one way to hold it in order to read across the device.
The same reason we're seeing larger and larger phone screens.
Sheep are delicious, so I've heard. People... not as much. It's one of those things you only eat if nothing else is available. I wouldn't recommend it for everyday consumption.
See, this is why wind farms are better. When things go wrong, they don't kill thousands, they don't turn water into a toxic, flammable liquid. They just look awesome.
I could see it getting a lot less wear from beginning manual drivers though.
Downloaded the new iPhone app a while ago. I actually like it, although switching accounts isn't as simplistic as it was.
I bet it's from the same guy with the pedobear Miata.
I can't believe more manufacturers don't go with the open gated shifter, it looks fantastic.
Condoms suck. This will at least make them a bit better.
I never did trust the Catholic Church...
Plan B is aptly named. It's plan B, no one wants to be in the situation where they have to rely on it.
Quality isn't always as important as getting the movies when you want them. And really, streaming quality isn't that bad.
And just testing the organs is out because...?
I often got Legos. Never a disappointment.
I'll carry it with me everywhere! I'll just take it with me on this plane, in case it goes down...