Switched to iWork when I got a Mac after testing the trial for a while. Does everything I need, costs less, allows me to individually upgrade, and has a nicer interface.
Switched to iWork when I got a Mac after testing the trial for a while. Does everything I need, costs less, allows me to individually upgrade, and has a nicer interface.
You said: "I love how everyone keeps dodging the fact that an unborn human is a human", implying that no one could possibly consider a fertilized egg anything other than a human being. There's no debate in a statement like that.
I'm not expressing my beliefs, I'm just saying that people have differentiating opinions on that matter, and treating your own like facts is stubborn, and foolhardy, especially on the internet. Unless, of course, your goal is to troll.
Siri: "Your kitchen is 5 feet away, why are you out of it?"
Perhaps they should try a search for "planned parenthood". They can help with women find options, including abortion.
The fact is, not everyone thinks like you. Some would say "an accord isn't a tree", etc. It's a matter of opinion.
Yeah, I've heard the crazy jabberings of trolls before, they can go on forever.
It's not Gizmodo's fault. The media jumps on stories like this, they're big money makers. Blame the fact that they need to generate revenue from hits. It sucks sometimes, but a better system hasn't come up.
So, with the back panel off, would... oh, I dunno, dropping it on something make a greater impact?
I didn't think it looked like Jobs as much as the logo, but I do see your point. The fact that I had the image in my mind of the Steve Jobs logo could have made me see that right away.
The part that mostly has me convinced that this wasn't the original backing is the part at the bottom.
I'm saying, ignoring the fact that this could be caused by a poorly done modification is just an attempt to create another media frenzy. It's irresponsible. This iPhone may have caught fire just because of a bad battery. The logo could be the only thing that's distorted on the phone (and only the bite). It could be…
Same, I've considered adding a new back myself. But, if while doing it, someone nicked something on the inside, that could cause the battery to short. Also, depending on what the back is made of, and even the type of paint used, it could cause heat to build up.
Yeah, good response there. I'm sure no one has ever made a simple mistake replacing the back panel. And I'm sure replacements would have the same heat dissipating capabilities as the original.
If I saw screw marks at the bottom of an Android or Windows phone, I'd say "the phone was tampered with".
What evidence?
And rooting is a hardware hack? ;)
The user had a hot phone, saw a glowing red mark on it, it began to emit smoke, and a flight attendant extinguished it.
The drops elsewhere are easy to see, why would that one be invisible?
It's not enough to just be an asshole. Reading the Steve Jobs biography, during the first half of the book, you're thinking to yourself "this guy's a dick!". But, you read into it more. He got a reality check, and though he still would yell at people, he'd do it in a more private way. He also didn't stay mad at them…