
Which is built on top of...

I completely agree. A good info graphic presents the data in a way that is both visually appealing and informative. It should also follow some logic, and be as linear as possible. That way, the reader doesn't get the feeling that they may have missed something.

Nearly any SUV.

Dreams do come true.

I don't think anyone charges a person for getting a text, only for sending them.

Same, but I've always assumed it's because of the stupid stuff I do while inebriated.

You can't find motivation to smoke, so you don't.

It's safe to assume that if the person is younger than 30, they have a texting plan, and would prefer a text to a voicemail.

I only want voice mails from things like job offers, doctor appointments, etc.

For what, the fact that alcohol kills germs? Or this story showing that alcohol deters your body's ability to fight off sickness?

Although alcohol kills germs. I found taking a shot of whiskey quickly gets rid of a sore throat. Of course, you can also gargle Listerine, but whiskey is so much nicer.

If it's a cell phone, hang up and send a text. Land line? Leave a message.

Zooey Deschanel never sucks.

That's quite a leap considering all the things the Fire can do that the Nook cannot

And now they're still copying Apple designs, so I'm still not confident that the quality comes close to the originals.

Yup, but not just because they're Apple, but because they usually create something new rather than copy. It's the same reason I love the new Amazon Kindle Fire, and respect Amazon for creating something new, and providing some real competition in the market.

Nope, look at the buttons for the interface. And, the box in the middle is a waveform view I believe, similar to the volume needle in the Apple one.

Way to miss the blatant 30 pin connector rip-off.

1) No they don't, the connection comes out the side, and the top has a matte cover, with a Blackberry logo. Say what you will about RIM, but at least they can come up with a small USB adapter without copying Apple