A few cars come to mind, most notably the SVT Focus (and most likely the upcoming ST), Mazda Speed 3, and WRX. I'd throw the Mustang in there, but if you need to pack it up with friends, kids, or groceries, you'll be dismayed by the lack of space.
A few cars come to mind, most notably the SVT Focus (and most likely the upcoming ST), Mazda Speed 3, and WRX. I'd throw the Mustang in there, but if you need to pack it up with friends, kids, or groceries, you'll be dismayed by the lack of space.
I do love the Saleen Focus.
Seems as though it goes pretty slow after that first launch.
I have been using this surefire method for a few years now.
Download BetterTouchTool. You'll be able to create custom gestures, including one to start Launchpad.
I did get their new cartridges, which are a lot better than the originals.
I got a Blu e cig to try to cut down on my smoking. Now I only use it when I'm out and can't make it to the store for a while.
But the Mac way allows for quicker loading of apps. And, I've had no trouble teaching my parents about it when they upgraded to an iMac this summer. In fact, it was one of the most simple Mac things they caught onto.
1) Annoying shouldn't be the default behavior.
As far as I can tell, it has only done it with Preview. I haven't seen it do this with any other apps yet. Then again, I am running 8GB of ram, so I haven't maxed it out yet.
The only app I've seen it quit is Preview. Photoshop, iTunes, Safari, etc, has never quit on me automatically. I believe it's just for Preview and maybe Text Edit. Both apps relaunch as though they were never quit anyway.
"Use your brain"? Come on, we're past such silly generalizations, aren't we? That's like saying you'd rather read directions from a map than have your GPS guide you.
I found that preview still launches quicker after it's been automatically terminated. I haven't found it annoying (yet) but I was surprised the first time it happened.
Maybe they should put some QR codes on their tops too... just two... in the front...
"Because racecar" is the Jalop version of "for teh lulz"
I feel like I might be on 4chan.
Sorry, but it's easy to set a reserve. You fail to do so, it's your own fault.
Hmm just thought of something. You could boost your klout score by posting offensive things on Facebook/twitter.
Oh, I get it, the Onion is mocking internet paywalls, right?
Come on, England, I thought you guys were dignified.