The Squigtones

Couldn't we just get Bono to write a Broadway play for them instead?

Bono was great in Spidaman. Couple mistakes, though.

Yes, he won the triafalon, and was the original singer for the Squiqtones. There was artistick differences.

Katy Perry gets a nose job.


They was very, very good.To be fair, they had some ringers.

Chicken wire?

It's a fine line between sad and funny.

Only thing to come close is Kid Rocckk. Datt's it. Not anyone can cover Sweet Home Alabama with real conviction. Hello!

Assholes, sure. But music genii? Have you heard November Rain?????????????????????????????

Or a big college town either.

How will we know which is which?

Look. AV Club has plenty of fonts. All the best fonts. Ivy League. Just fugghet about the fonts, ok?