I live in a shack in the south bay so my kids can go to public school. Best thing ever. We always talk about how maddening it would be to still be on the westside begging, borrowing, and stealing to get our kids into private school.
I live in a shack in the south bay so my kids can go to public school. Best thing ever. We always talk about how maddening it would be to still be on the westside begging, borrowing, and stealing to get our kids into private school.
1. all of the surprise re: this courtney stodden situation. also, shes going to be 21? good god.
We’ve seen. The internet has seen. Breakfast, lunch, and fucking dinner indeed.
Good parents don’t approve of their underage children dating or getting married to people who left high school decades ago.
I’m guessing Colin Farrell really is okay with being single, because that guy could get laaaaaaaaaaaaaaid. Seriously, I’ve heard first-hand accounts from two different people, and he got full, enthusiastic thumbs-up from both women. Man ain’t afraid of the kitty-cat.
When he’s older, check out The Mad Scientists Club. There were some books about three boys who time travelled together that were a bit sciencey, but they were coming out just as Miss Sky was moving on and I don’t remember them that well — Time Warp Trio, maybe?
I think the classics are worth doing even when there’s…
I’m assuming you already know about the modern stuff like Magic Treehouse and you already did Little Bear (if you haven’t, do; IIRC, it’s easier than Cap’t U, but that might not be a bad thing.) Miss Sky’s first really independent reading experience was Frog and Toad, I think. The Frances books are great. They’re not…
Wow, I didn’t actually know that! God forbid their perfect snowflake children be challenged by looking up to a peer! What a world...
I have a friend who was interested in Camelot, but I think ended up someplace else and now her kid is at Ivanhoe. And she spent part of her childhood in Florida, so for a second I was like is that you???
Now that you mention it, ours (south bay) was outside, but I think with a cover over it. Maybe they ate inside when it rained, I don’t remember. Wasn’t a big deal.
The elite private elementary schools don’t care/are likely to select AGAINST significantly early reading/high intelligence. It makes the classroom harder to manage, causes resentment about the wealthier families. (Despite how they used to market, that included Mirman; not sure about now.)
Oh! Oh! What’s he reading? I…
I live in the neighborhood where Camelot is located, and the thing is, for affluent east side parents, Camelot is THE feeder preschool for private elementary schools in LA. While there are other preschools in the area, Camelot has built that reputation. We couldn’t afford it, but there are many, many families that can…
I’m definitely a shit-stirrer. One of our favorite teachers and my daughter’s preschool unexpectedly ‘retired’ after being there for 10+ years. We reached out to her and found out she was actually fired after filing for disability. She didn’t know that was illegal to do and was too scared to pursue it legally. We let…
Preschool in Los Angeles is no joke. Parents treat it as if their kids are attending Princeton.
I have never watched Something’s Gotta Give, and I never will. The thought that a woman of any age will kick Keanu Reeves out of bed in favour of Jack Nicholson is bullshit, to me. In my opinion, of course.
she’ll never top Milla’s debut album.
Hell, let’s dip back into my childhood-ish, whe Bruce Willis and Cybil Shephard could barely tolerate each other.
I make this amazing tortilla soup and I save up all my chicken bones in the freezer to make broth for it. Some asshole was all like “it’s good because it’s bone broth,” and I’m like, all broth is bone broth, fucker, and it’s good because 1) I made it and 2) it’s soup, so shut up and eat your soup.
Dear dining public: