
Joule thief!

And you need these things in your house why?

I respect this womans hustle. She is click bait incarnate and she is making bank of it now.

More importantly, more reasons for you to feel smug about it and tell everyone.

Inevitable would probably have been more accurate than intentional. Even I can’t imagine that the intent of locking up children is so they’ll die.

Forgot the SPONSORED POST tag.

What the fuck is going on with this article ?

The Lord God Himself so loved the American property owner that He miracled sea walls and beach replenishment trucks into His Divine Creation.

It’s coming back? That second season was brutally bad, in a stupid way. I hope they can redeem it, and understand why they are desperate to keep a name brand show going with GoT ending in a month, but it was so BAD.

I think your analysis of the Battlestar Galactic finale is frustratingly inaccurate. If you aren’t a fan of the religious iconography and solutions that end up playing a large role in the finale, that’s fine. But to argue that these elements are added in later seasons or come out of the blue is inaccurate.

I know it’s beside the point but I can’t focus on the real story because of how absurd the letter formatting is.

I saw this last night on the news and wanted to heave. So disgusting. Quebec is the Florida of Canada.

My favorite one that I heard was “Couldn’t pour water out of his boot with instructions printed on the heel”

Yes. People don’t realize that this is perfectly normal for the government.

Shutdown or not, this is very common with government websites. DoD sites in particular are terrible.

Lucky the game was in Washington. If it were in Philly, the kid would’ve thrown his beer in Sudfeld’s face.

It’s worth reminding people that the continued U.S. (/NATO) presence in Afghanistan has very little to do with the Taliban, terrorists, or nation-buidling and very much to do with maintaining troops and, more importantly,  air bases in close proximity to Iran, Pakistan and Western China.

Penguins, officially OWNED. 

“I’m a middle aged man,” he told Newsweek, when asked about his identity. “I’m white. I’m someone that works in Hollywood. I am a notable person but because of the state of the climate, I chose to make this video anonymously.”

“phone polls aren’t dead yet