
will take in detainees awaiting immigration court hearings, including those who are seeking asylum

I think I remember reading not too long ago that his net worth was super low—like in the 150-250k range—and thinking that his buying stupid shit, treating his staff and security like servants and flying first class/military was his way of trying to live the life that the rest of the millionaire/billionaire cabinet

If this leads to an end to the armistice, that’s a good thing, right?

You googled ‘mstubbs80,’ right?

When he arrived, an officer on duty asked Villavicencio to present valid identification. When Villavicencio could not produce the documents, the soldier called immigration officials to arrest him.

When he arrived, an officer on duty asked Villavicencio to present valid identification. When Villavicencio could not produce the documents, the soldier called immigration officials to arrest him.

And they can do it without the help of tracking cookies and without knowing your IP address—a technique that effectively renders “incognito mode” useless.

If you don’t have ID, you can’t get on base. Simple as that.

Eh, it’s just a fuckup—not a conspiracy. Graphics guy was told to find a picture of the Eagles kneeling, so he googles it and finds a picture of Eagles players kneeling. Producers should have understood the context, however.

She definitely didn’t write that tweet, but she’s also definitely not dead.

These types of comments make me ponder whether this is literally part of Putin’s master plan or not. Did they really sit down a few years ago and dream all of this up?

Didn’t North Carolina sterilize poor people to stop them from having kids?

The MPD hasn’t even stated which department rules the officers have broken. Hell, we can’t even get the names of the officers who were disciplined.

Don’t they still have those swinging panels at the turnstiles? Can you pry those apart? I suppose you could just kind of jump over, but I’m 6' 4" and I don’t think I could do it.

Sounds more like a puppet who is just doing what she’s told and doesn’t really understand any of it.

WTF is with these asshats and coins? I feel like everyone one of them has had one made for the stupidest of reasons

Didn’t they already reveal him?

Thank you guys for being part of the biggest reddit bamboozle of 2018, it was all just a made up story to make your day a little more exciting!