
It’s just a little R&D/testing/proof of concept thing—not a contract to design/produce body armor.

Blacks comprise 12 percent of the U.S. population

I think you mean Arthur FOOKIN’ Shelby.

Understanding is irrelevant. Like all politics these days, it’s based on hate and fear.

While getting rid of the union would make running metro cheaper and bring in better talent, it would not solve decades of deferred maintenance and being billions in the hole.

They have money. They actually got chewed out by the FTA or somesuch for their abject failure to spend the money they’ve been given.

The show always had a mostly-white cast. The only minorities that I can recall (not counting Votans) were Tommy, Rafe, one of Ambassador-whatever’s husbands (who was in one? two? episodes and had a just as many lines), and maybe an E-Rep redshirt or two.

we pretty much knew what the outcome had to be in order for the story to continue. Given this is Game of Thrones, we also knew there was going to be a cost for victory… and those who paid it were all obvious choices. So how did an episode that gave us so much of what we expected still manage to be so unbelievably

Doesn’t really seem like there’s enough time left in the series for that to be a thing.

Defiance was racist as shit.

You didn’t miss much.

The JPL ones make these look like shit.

Seriously all I could think of during the chase last night...

With Android you just tap your unlocked phone at a terminal.

Definitely sounds wrong. It’s probably more like the total cost of the project (satellite, launch, etc) divided by the number of pellets means that each little flash of light will cost $8,000.

Yep. 22 months in, 115lbs down, 30 to go. It’s not a diet—it’s just how I eat and live now.