
I’d settle for one that was more energy-efficient. Those little boxes are a huge power draw.

Hey Honda, thanks for confirming the problems with the NSX. We sure do appreciate it!

The game plan for weight loss and keeping it off is developing a new “normal” which is a slow and arduous process, but once its in, its in. The weight will start to fall of at a steady and healthy pace and stay down because the salad is no longer something you hate, you now enjoy it.

The Expanse is the show that we’ve been waiting to see since Battlestar Galactica went off the air. It’s deeply political, exciting and tense, and it’s easily the best science fiction show on the airwaves now.

Actually, the internets voted and the name of the storm is “Make Winter Great Again.”

then people could conceivably have crossed the Bering Land Straight into North America

I’m about to replace my second one of these. Wish the battery would hold out longer—or that it could be directly powered.

I’m about to replace my second one of these. Wish the battery would hold out longer—or that it could be directly

Bet that didn’t cost $599...

I think for quite a few people the product went from “I’ve got to try this!” to “I’m gonna hang out and see what happens with this.” That’s not great for VR, but it might work if Facebook is willing to fund this long term and let the product/fanbase develop over time instead of relying on hype and quick popularity.

Yep. Basically they stopped innovating after creating the Segway and tried to coast, now they’re seeing what they could have been and are getting all jelly.

AJA is awesome. Hands down the best source of world news and the only network with a focus on journalism.

The DCA says that as part of the settlement Whole Foods will be required to conduct in-store audits

Sci fi/fantasy at my local B&N is down to two shelves. Oh they’ve got plenty of LotR and Harry Potter books (and toys and shit right there with the books), but the big, mainstream authors/series which haven’t been made into movies are lucky to get one or two books. Robert Jordan? two copies of the third WoT book and

Sounds like the store in my neighborhood. Half the second floor is toys/board games/adult coloring books (despite it being located a block away from a great toy store), half of the first floor is horribly overpriced CDs and DVDs (remember CDs and DVDs?) and the rest is split between a Starbucks and those “Bargain”

10:20...who’s in the urn?!? That’s gonna drive me nuts for the next month.

This show is surprisingly good...yet it’s still getting lower ratings than Derpfiance’s terrible final season. Given the the Expanse is obviously much more expensive to produce, I can’t imagine it will be long for this world.

Of the four threads at the end of the movie, my favorite this time was actually Anakin’s. His dog fight in space has a nice progression and feels character-driven. I also think “This is podracing,” coupled with the music, is the most “Star Wars” moment in the entire movie. So that helps.

Its really satisfying that I quit 4 months ago and they still havent filled my former role, aka they are still low balling the shit out of people hoping to get someone desperate into the position.