
No wonder Iran hates us—they’re still using Internet Explorer.

I’ll miss the show, but it’s gotten pretty lazy the past couple years. There were some nights when it seemed like the writers just didn’t show up and all Stewart did was make fun of peoples’ voices/accents/appearance/etc.

I once did hardboiled eggs...that I forgot about until they exploded and I had to spend the next day picking bits off egg off the ceiling.

Take those dimes, invest them and buy yourself a beer on the day you retire.

Nuclear works great...

Obviously the cop was poorly trained. He didn’t even know how to delete the footage.

I kept mixing it up with Star Trek and Avengers and every other movie these past few years where getting captured is all part of the bad dude’s master plan.

I don’t know who wrote this episode, but they nailed it.

I read the reviews on the gift card packs and noped the fuck out of there.

I read the reviews on the gift card packs and noped the fuck out of there.

Nah, not that. They only offered very limited quantities, especially for the best deals. I’d be surprised if there were more than 50 TVs for sale at that price.

Nah, not that. They only offered very limited quantities, especially for the best deals. I’d be surprised if there

Something about the way this show is shot just bugs the hell out of me. Too dark or tight or something... Looks old or something.

When I taking graphic design classes one teacher I had designed product labels and packaging for major companies. Well he’d go stores like Wal-mart and Target to do research. How they have shelves stocked and what competition was doing. So that they could do better designs. This was at the time when 35mm was still the

Holy shit that’s a huge store... Our PF team was maybe ten people, tops.

I think my position capped out at $13.50/hr back when I was working there, but I never made over $12.30/hr, and that was only for a few months after I had already told my STL I was leaving to go to college. Pretty good money back then (early 00’s), though it’s not like I was supporting a family.

I can tell you that it was, at least at my store. I haven’t worked there since 2004. The pay was a bit low, but that was mainly an issue of sales at our store being lower than most. We were what’s called a “direct competition” store—a WholeFoods located right next to another grocery store. Also, we were one of the

No complaints. Pay was decent, management was great, perks were nice. This was back before the days of work schedules being determined by computers or people always being on call or things like that. I don’t recall any issues about number of hours or benefits or anything like that—at least not for the lack of them.

Yeah, when I first went around and audited our Toledo scales I found out that the one they were using in the Produce back room for the pre-cut fruit was missing one of its feet—which meant it wasn’t balanced and was spitting out wildly different weights depending on where on the scale you placed the product. IIRC, it

Yep. The store I was at started getting serious about this sort of thing a few months after I became SSI (was Grocery for a year before that). We got training from Virginia W&M reps, were issued 5lb weights for daily scale testing (which we had to log) etc etc. They also started working to standardize packaging (and

Whole Check has racked up 800 violations over 107 different inspections in the last five years. They’ve paid $58,000 in fines.