
Bed frame thing isn't set in stone. Last girl I bought home was amazed that my posters and prints were framed and hung properly. Started tearing my clothes off within five minutes.

Clear camera views would serve to remove the meta-game, make reviews less dramatic and result in fewer controversial calls (which keep people talking about the teams come Monday).

Can't wait for the inevitable story about someone wearing the Allison outfit to school and getting expelled.

Maybe I'm just getting old/rich/entitled, but sometimes I look at the prices of some foods and think to myself "Nope, I should really be paying more than that."

After a year, everyone has to pay.

Designer here.

I wonder if these kind of interviews follow the reality TV M.O. of providing the interviewee with unlimited booze and then shoving a camera in their face?

Do they all die in the end? And that's why we need Channing and Pratt Ghostbusters?

Much better design:

Louder/faster music makes people drink more, hence why so many bars do it.

Comcast got an big-donor exemption from King Barak.. didn't you know?

Living in DC, TV these past few months has been loaded down with Comcast ads about how much they love net neutrality and how awesome it will be.

except by the rules, the Army cant operate [manned] fixed wing strike aircraft.

It's so the sharks can't see them, duh.

Staged. They do this kind of stuff in every episode these days, for precisely this reason: Free advertising.

"I broke 800 hours of combined gameplay," the original poster, temporarycreature, wrote, "and I'm just feeling bored and burned out. I'm not complaining. I am not threatening Bungie. I just hit a wall, and I don't feel like doing the same things over, and over, day in, and day out."

He's pretty perfect.

That said, I can't off the top of my head think of anyone who would a) be a great fit, and b) is available. It would be great to see a woman offered the job. Maybe Aisha Tyler?

Show's been pretty stale this last year, with too much dependence on stupid voices, mocking Republicans (McConnell looks like a turtle, Boehner is orange, etc.) and running gags (Arby's, CNN, etc).