
I literally said, out loud, "Ugh, not he's gonna push her off the edge." as she walked up there. Didn't actually see it happen, however, since I was rolling my eyes at the time.

Despite what popular opinion seems to be, I can't wait for next season, Syfy has finally created a scifi show I actually want to keep watching.

Even that didn't make any sense. Outside of the ship isn't a vacuum, so why do things/people get "sucked" out? and then fall on conveniently-placed mats?

Massively disappointed that SyFy spent so much money on such a bad script. It only hurts development of good scripts going forward.

Man, Ascension was such a letdown. NBC/SyFy threw a ton of production money at a terrible script.

Yep, AD is a total boss and can rock denim like it's 1989.

You mean that white guy with dark hair? Yeah, totally looks like that other white guy with dark hair.

You mean if it turns out not to be North Korea? Or do you just have a hankering for paper and shoes?

To be fair, North Koreans sound like teenagers pretending to be North Koreans for fun.

You mean there aren't any planned reboots yet? wtf, Hollywood?

Yeah, I have some friends who've done it and you really need connections and leads before you even start. Most who've transitioned successfully have done so by spending a few years building their client lists while also working full time. It's stressful, but they all said it was worth it once they had enough clients

I love that there's a scientific journal called "Gut."

I know, right? Shit, I'm not even motivated/ballsy enough to leave my braindead corporate gig to freelance.

QoS was good enough to pull you in before going full-stupid with the laughably explosive hotel in the middle of nowhere and the super-forced environmentalism plot.

You might want to think twice before illegally filming the next concert you go to—at least using a body-worn GoPro or Google Glass.

Get with it.

Bullshit clickbait.

Yeah, but it's Sweden.


2) Sony has offered every current employee and their dependents, as well as former employees (though the scope is unclear) and their dependents, a year of professional identity theft protection.