
Yep, that's what I do.

I see it doing exactly what it's intended to: Gentrifying (aka white-washing) Anacostia.

Still can't use HBO Go on my Roku. Fucking Comcast.

You sleep through the Gulf War or something?

Just finished re-watching the series last night.

Why would anyone with electricity (and I assume that if you care about how good something looks in your home, you have electricity) use an inefficient charger that only works during the day and which you'd have to move around from window to window to catch the light?

This solar-powered battery charger looks attractive in the home and doesn't take up as much space as other changing stations.

Scrubbed from your timeline, but not their database. Otherwise what's to stop people from setting everything they post to expire after a couple days? That'd leave them with no history and no way to target ads.

Because the definition of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

My utopia also includes an open bar.

I love me some trains, but I'd have to question the usefulness of a DC/Baltimore connection. If it went to Philly/NY/Boston, sure, but who the fuck wants to go from DC to Baltimore? Also, if Amtrak is any indication, this shit would cost like $200-300 one way.

A submarine-based monad is more than sufficient for America's deterrence needs, and would be considerably less expensive to modernize and maintain than the current force.

My school made you pay for it but wouldn't let you use it unless you were an athlete.

Look, SyFy, I know that Sharknado got lots of attention, but purposefully trying to make a "so bad it's good" TV show is just stupid. It's not going to work.


I'm all for separate car lanes. Cyclists are simply not responsible enough to know and follow the rules of the road as they relate to drivers. I recently had a police officer tell me that even though I had the right to use the road, he thought I should wait until there were no bikes on the road to do so.

aka, a burner.

Low birthrate + emigration = declining population. There is no massive Russian die-off.