
To play with console-based friends.

It's just one thing after the other with this game, isn't it?

It has its uses, but it's about ten years late. Lack of uses + lack of money = not gonna happen.

Now playing

Their 2012 video was much better. Had comms, third-person shots, something of a narrative and less shaky-cam.

One, a local monthly arts magazine being published by a couple college classmates. Lasted a little while, but ad revenue couldn't keep it afloat.

Considering how fast most of them have been cancelled in the past, I don't think anyone is too worried. The shows are so cheap to produce (and don't require any thought, since they just copy some other show) that the execs don't mind throwing a couple at the wall in the hopes that something will stick.

Shit, I didn't even know there was an unrated version... Is it streamable anywhere?

High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator's (HELMD)

Millions of bees are shipped all around the country


Because not everyone uses the same suit, therefore what should be a contest of skill/physical prowess becomes a contest of suit design/skill/physical prowess. May the richest team from the most tech-savy country win.

Looks like the edges are rubberized. Was just thinking about how nice that'd be while fumbling with my new Lumia Icon.

Too much loling.

That thing looks downright painful to eat. They need to get some more food scientists* to work on the mouth feel.*

They're releasing trailers for 20-minute cartoons now?

...it's certainly more physically taxing to dig a tunnel than poke at a keyboard.

And then go buy a hockey team.

The only way a smart watch will ever be ubiquitous:

It's been trafficked by decades-worth of Congressional Pages, [...] the Pages, like most teenagers, wanted to leave their mark."