
$66M? For a net?

People can afford to live on incomes from Wal-Mart jobs (assuming enough hours), just not in those shiny new luxury apartments.

$900? They should be so lucky. Probably be about twice that for a 1br.

Given the area, those will likely be $1600 studios/$1900 1br apartments, so fuck no.

The first year I did the Pinewood Derby I got third place. The second year I got fourth place (lost by 0.002 seconds). I'll always be a loser.


We won't run the surprise.

Considering they're only skimming the get the surface trash, damage to wildlife would be very minimal.

By the time the world responded in any meaningful sense, S.Korea would largely be in ruins. To put things in perspective, Seoul is well within range of DPRK artillery and they've got a shit-ton of it.

Doesn't show everything.

How about an option to show me everything, instead of having an algorithm decide what I do and don't want to see?

But how [do] they get 80,000 fans to refrain from clapping during a game so the screen doesn't constantly turn on and off?

Your move, Russia.

I'd like to thank the author for not using a goatse image for a title which includes the words Internet, Gaping, Hole and Scary.

My point is why spend $170 for a fancy encrypted wireless keyboard when you can just use a wired one if you're so concerned about security.

Nokia made it clear that all Nokia Lumia phones would be getting Windows Phone 8.1 this summer

Is that why my feed is only five fucking inches wide? Because of the poors?

Whether Park didn't get the target of the joke, failed to understand the basic premise of the show (unlikely, since she considered herself a fan at one point), or was just bent on manufacturing outrage isn't clear.

You forgot something...

I use one and it works quite well. I'm deaf in my left ear, so by placing this on the left side of the bed the light will wake me up if I'm sleeping on my right side. If I'm sleeping on my left side, the sound will wake me up. Definitely beats out a regular alarm clock as it a) doesn't jar you awake; b) works even if