
Back in the day during Little League tryouts a bunch of the coaches were standing on the mound with the pitching machine watching us bat. My turn came up. First pitch = shattered arm for one of the coaches. Fuckers all went back to the dugout after that.

Well, it is on Fox.

Connection was the wrong word for me to use. To use HBOGo on the Roku, you need to authenticate it with your cable provider (i.e., prove that you're a subscriber). Comcast simply refuses to do that.

Will it run HBOGo on a Comcast connection? Because my Roku sure as fuck won't.

Let me know when somebody invents these:

After watching this, I'm not sure if I should be doing more or less acid...

Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. Neither. This game sucks.

Distracted driving is fun!

Now she knows to go to a pharmacist whenever she has a problem.

Bad news: Next Beth sub-plot will likely be rape-based.

The less Rick, the better.

and Amazon Prime


I'd buy it.

Or you can just drag and drop the video file on a tab in Chrome without installing some other company's crapware.

Drag and drop video file into a chrome browser window. Cast the tab. Profit.