
Only fools carry a balance on their credit cards. I've got no problem with them paying for my bank accounts.

But nobody does any of those things until after they've been ripped off (and some people just never bother to or never notice the charges).

Relax. Your credit card info was stolen long before you ever shopped at Target.


The only reason it's projected to start leveling off around 10 billion is because that's where the number of deaths from war and starvation begins to balance out the number of births.

It's also 24 times faster and has seen a 2,400 percent improvement in performance.

Well, considering that someone born today will almost certainly witness the downfall of the humanity due to massive overpopulation, I don't think the planet needs to worry about it much longer.

Streaming movies don't depend on an respond to constant user input. Serious input lag and packet loss on this service could render many of the most popular games unplayable.

I know the technology is there—the demo for Tera was streamed through a browser window—but it's the implementation that will doom it. Sony will under-invest at launch, the service will suck and they'll never get back the customers that they lose.

No, I want holographic projection. Combine that sort of screenless display with motion sensors that track finger movement to manipulate the interface and you've solved the biggest problems of current smart watch/wristband designs: The displays are small and they require two hands to use.

"Smart Watches" will never work as long as they require a physical screen on your wrist.

It works because there aren't thousands or hundreds of thousands of people overloading their servers (which are likely located within the Sony pavilion).

I've been waiting for it ever since the Battlestar Galactica miniseries aired. Only thing that really worries me is that it's being developed for a controller interface. If any game ever screamed "use a joystick, dammit" it's this one.

So how was the Valkyrie demo? Besides "stomach dropping."

Yep. It's also kind of a big deal that these use domestically-produced engines as well. They've had real problems copying those.

But if it's an all-consuming delicious volcano of smoldering cheese you're after, welcome.

Maybe it's the curved lip, but that looks like it's made out of wimpy soft plastic.

Put a clear plastic tube inside the bottle, seal around the top and bottom and fill the tube with candy.

I saw a thing on Amazon last week where they were buying used gaming stuff for resale. My headset (Turtle Beach X12) was worth 22¢ (paid on an Amazon gift card, of course).

I forget what it's called, but that style has been a hipster design/typography trend for the past couple years, like all the logos that mimic the Dutch East India Trading Company. It's also the exact wrong typography to use for a game like GTA. Honestly, however, it's likely the only custom lettering style that