
The catch is that there's essentially an underworld (which is the procedurally-generated part). Simply put, those newbies could ground-smash their way into a dungeon and get raped.


Pretty sure that's still years away from actually working.

You might be hard-pressed to find a good reason to have a Raspberry Pi mounted in a fish tank

Man, that play would have been epic if he hadn't fucked it up...

Don't [get caught] be[ing] evil.™

Ok, who else read that as Playboy and was confused by the bike?

I wish I could get paid to fail...

Doesn't matter. CFAA makes it illegal to "exceed authorized access," doesn't matter if there are logins/passwords involved or not.

I just wish I could block numbers.

What's the penalty for violating the CFAA again?

Why would you think that? Because the USN and USAF fly so many blimps?

...which has absolutely nothing to do with the hardware.

It's unclear exactly who the government is trying to strong arm into giving up their encryption keys.

I think the issue here is that the government seem to think it has the legal right to do whatever it wants, thanks to secret legal opinions.

While the author does a good job of outlining what JLENS can do (not surprising, considering this is basically a Raytheon ad), he fails to effectively speculate on what it will do. This isn't about "spot[ting] and track[ing] incoming cruise missiles, mine-laying ships, armed drones," it's about surveiling ground

NORAD stuff has been lame lately—just Coast Guard helicopters and shit. Also, since the Budget Control Act and Sequestration kicked in, the flyovers have nearly vanished (though I say this having watched two F/A 18's fly over my office about 20 mins ago). Best I can recall seeing in recent history was a B-1 a couple

Well, after the BCA and sequestration, none of the services can really "fit it in their budget," but that's irrelevant. This would have been added and funded by HASC and SASC in one of the recent NDAAs.

Just out of curiosity, what's your source on this? (in regards to their deployment over DC).