
As awesome as it is, you've got to wonder how many takes they did when they made the video.

Worth noting: If you bought the original FFXIV, you get FFXIV:ARR (pc version) for free.

This right here? Proof PCs are better.

Everyone shits themselves when they see planes like the J-20 or this new drone rolling down a runway, but that's the easiest part of the design. Engines, software, electronics packages, etc—those are the hard parts. If they nail all of that within the next decade I'll be impressed. As it stands now, it looks more

Football is different.

This is what happens when you hire someone as a football coach, bu they have to teach a class to be eligible.

Katie Couric has a show?


Erm, "Industrial Revolution" might be a bit of a stretch.

It culminates with Irisa unleashing a snake on her victim; as Tommy scream, you’d think that Irisa has lost her kind… until the victim admits this snakebite has given him clarity, and he remembers everything. He was indeed the priest who Irisa remember

Nolan is also escorting a giant suitcase full of cash, which Defiance has raised to bring in the maglev trains (that the Town Council discussed last episode) without borrowing from the Earth Federation.

I wouldn't. You'd be "old," but with no experience in the field you're applying to jobs in. You'd basically take a big risk with no guarantee of success.

Defiance is only an MMO in the sense that the players are in the same world. All content (with the exception of co-op instances) is intended to be done solo. There are no social systems in the game (chat, clan, group functionality is all just about the worst in MMO history) and thus there is no socialization between

They've already said that the game will never go to Defiance.

It's awesome...

Power's not the problem, software is.

Imagine how many phones they'd sell if they weren't carrier- or OS-exclusive.

Nokia doesn't hold the patent on rounded corners.

Yeah, once the Trion Defiance team gets their feet under them the game should turn out just fine. The biggest problem with tying the game launch to the show launch is that while they're trying to nail down the launch bugs that are common across all MMOs, they're also having to release new content weekly. Said content