
I've been naming pretty much all of my female characters all sorts of nerdy mythological references for awhile, but I've been stuck on "Thisbe" for about the past five years. I really like Ovid's story, and I always been a fan of dooming a character through their name.

Concision is only a virtue in some types of art. Open-world gaming isn't one of those types of art. Considering that I've likely put anywhere between 200 to 400 hours into Morrowind, I can assure the author of that article that the experience isn't diluted any more than reading War and Peace several times over instead

I dare say - no moustache? No barrel-chest to take a thrashing in fisticuffs? This beefy chap may have a look for Olympus, but have he any taste for a gentleman's sculpting?

Thanks for the heads-up! I'm not too concerned about the kill tally itself - from the sounds of things, the game counts some weird things as player kills sometimes - but I'll certainly need to think about tactics like traps, &c.

Nah - I totally hear you and agree with you. I get angry at Bioware, though, because they seem to relish in some sort of notion that they're pushing envelopes or producing high-quality work when I can look 40 to 50 years back across the pond (the big pond, that is) and see things that blow everything they've done

Started my first pacifist run in Skyrim last night, and inadvertently managed to wipe out my earlier game again. (Thanks, Bethesda, for warning me when one save game populates all the save slots my PS3 seems to want to give Skryim by taking up pointless autosaves - which is four slots, by the way.)

Calling the homosexual romance options a "quality" addition to the game kinda a little bit of an unintentional slap in the face to writers who have been exploring the themes and social frictions generated by homosexual love for decades. I mean, you read something like Maurice, E. M. Forster's all-important (and

I totally hear it in the music, and I certainly feel it with the lens flare use (which isn't necessarily "80s" any more than J.J. Abrams, but bright lights automatically make me think of the 80s) - but I think the costuming certainly looks more like some of the covers/illustrations from the older sci-fi collections.

Isn't "generic" kinda the intention for ME, though? I thought the idea was to capture that older 50s/60s-styled sci-fi feel on almost a verbatim level. I actually like the art direction in ME at least for this very reason - it's got that throw-back appeal to me.

Massive spoiler: the Reapers are Daleks. Also, Billy Piper will be the next DLC character. Ta-da!

The Six Races Championship on iOS and Android? I might wait for ME3 to get cheaper, but I'll pay full market value for the chance of taking on those pompous Asaris with my scrappy crew of Voluses...

It's all about Volus rugby.

So, wait - does that mean that all humans on Earth were seeded from Star Wars humans or that elves and hobbits mated to create the inhabitants of the British Isles? I always forget which is which...

Thanks for the heads up. I'll check out whatever demos are out, and I might have to try out one of the Pixeljunk games. I know they've gotten decent community reviews (at least to say, they're mentioned fairly often whenever someone talks about PSN games), but I just never thought to really give 'em a fair go.

I'm going to be totally honest: I have virtually no idea what's good on the PSN - the whole thing kinda feels like a mess and a place where my enthusiasm goes to die. (I'm so used to Steam...) I got Flower and was pleased, I got Payday: The Heist and was pleased, I got Dead Nation for free, and I've got enough money

This is pretty much it to a tee.

This one reminds me a lot of one of my college roommates - the main difference being that he was playing (miserably) Mario 64 and not Amnesia. Didn't stop him from seeing his own mistakes a mile away and screaming in shame/frustration/existential horror.

Yeah. Kinda felt the same thing, although some mention of a "female assassin with over three-thousand kills" set off some alarms. Had potential, though - I'll give 'em that.

I had a table-flip moment when they released whatever copy of Pokemon that exceeded the 151 that I'd spent a year or two memorizing. Never again, Nintendo. Never again.