
It's a fucked up system when you fight fire with fire. She should apologize. She had a knee-jerk reaction to a bunch of internet trolls and said cruel things in response. It doesn't matter who started the fight - it matters who's mature enough to end it. Turn the other cheek, and all that.

I forgot when they added it, but you used to unlock additional customization slots. (You likely still do. I don't know for sure, though. I didn't get MW3.) Given the five or so the game automatically comes with, I can't see too much of a reason for needing another five... but, hey - it's the gamer's call, I guess.

In an unprecedented new move, Infinity Ward and Activision are teaming up for the future of hardcore FPS gaming rewards: "disc prestige." Buy a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and already prestige to the limit? No, you didn't! With "disc prestige," you can go to your nearest retailer, break your disc in front

Sadly, that'd be me, then, if I played. I tried playing Warhammer Online for a month (and LotR for a day), but I couldn't get into it. That being said, the close-quarters DPS classes were the only interesting ones to me. (Which is odd - I'm usually an engineer or medic in BF3, and always play a support role in terms

That's exactly the reason I don't play WoW. If the UI has more text boxes full of jargon and numbers than Europa Universalis and it isn't an accountant sim, I'm out. I don't have OCD, but that sort of screen-clutter would eventually drive me to a Lovecraftian state of madness.

That dog's about as adorable as the one in Spaced. (Which is a little tough to say, since I like Schnauzers so much - but that gun trick with a dog is a real heart-warmer.) Agreed, though - good movie.

I got this on the single-player to the point of not being able to play at all. I'm not particularly happy about it, but, to be completely honest, I'd given up on the campaign anyway. I'm not sure what's going on with EA's servers or with the game itself, but there seem to be some really annoying errors going on

I think you might have touched on something in particular, which is that this seems particularly repulsive as a writer. As a writer, it's flatly unethical to walk into a collaborative form of art and not appreciate that collaboration. I don't think someone has to be a writer or artist to recognize how destructive this

I know I've spent too much time in IKEA when that print in the first picture is immediately recognizable. Damn it.

And disgusting - and horrifying. Necrotizing fasciitis (and its course of treatment) scares the living hell out of me. In all fairness, one of the best things Bioware can do is keep their own word about their writers to "treat" their situation of relatively bad writing. According to their own philosophy, their writers

I will accept rust, poison, and necrotizing fasciitis metaphors. Just no Google images on that last one.

I agree to say that the comment about skipping gameplay is beyond ridiculous. If Aristotle wrote a modern Poetics about video games, "gameplay" would be akin to plot in terms of important aspects of the art. It damages the overall worth of conventional games - no questions asked about that.

Yep. Lost my sympathy right quick. Now, everyone's a villain! Yay! Humanity!

Totally random question: a bulbasaur is a dinosaur with a symbiotic relationship with a plant, right? Is there any precedence for this in nature? I mean, I've heard of some mosses growing on sloths, but nothing comes to mind in which sizable plant-life grows on a mobile animal. (Just curious!)

It is their product, though, in the form of the Apple App Store. They're damaging their reputation as a savvy vendor by letting this sort of stuff through. I mean, that's kinda the benefit of working with Apple: (as oldtaku pointed out in his thread) curating everything. Apple's legacy is providing the ability for

This'd be a nice add-on for downloadable games, for sure. I'd also be all for it if anyone wanted to include a market price followed by a "I'd pay ____ for it"-type pricing. That first one's something to add for sure, the second's more something to consider as a more in-depth addendum to the giant "should you buy it?"

I got X-Wing versus Tie Fighter on CD, luckily enough, so I don't have to worry about losing the game to a lost drive - but, whew, that game still holds up decently. I'd shell out some serious dough if they ever decided to bring it out for the PSN (or XBLA for the rest of y'all) if they ever had the notion to do so.

I liked the Uncharted 2 multiplayer so much when the game was released. About a week later, with everyone apparently putting in so many more hours than me, it was virtually unplayable thanks to the unlockable perk benefits. Kinda a shame, actually.

I'm probably going to play a few more single-player rounds (mostly to get more doctor's bags), but I'll try hosting tomorrow. I do dread it a bit - waiting around in lobbies is once of my biggest multiplayer pet peeves.

Just bought Payday: The Heist on PSN (because if I'm not late to the party, there's no reason to go), and I've found myself in very awkward position. I like the game quite a bit so fair - it's got some great features that look like a lot of fun. However, I've run into a wall in terms of actually playing multiplayer -