
Fisticuffs. A REAL man's kill involves fisticuffs. And maybe an inordinate amount of one liner quips.

Crom thinks little of your boomsticks and metal death bird magic.

I was just thinking that. Steam wasn't around when Steam was launched, if you catch my drift. There were other services that offered similar things, but nothing quite as big as Steam is now. Valve didn't entirely trail-blaze the concept of a PC gaming hub, but they've done a great job making their product uniquely

So... subconsciously-motivated free DLC? (Kidding.) Quite well-put, though.

I'm sure that you're right, but that still makes it very sad that - as a society presumably ruled by adults - we can't exercise manners and good grace as basic conduct. I know that's hippie nonsense, though.

Hey, ya never know. Crazier things - like a Zelda side-scroller, X-COM FPS, and Final Fantasy MMO - have either happened or are likely still going to happen. My hopes aren't raised that Ubisoft'd depart from the formula, but I'm going to pray that they try something new-ish at least - more than just adding advanced

There might not be good architecture, but there's great settings. Pre-Superpower American fiction is setting-obsessed, with forests being almost their own character for much of American fiction up until the Civil War. Hawthorne's concept of "the forest," which mirrors the Romantics general sentiments is f'in' gorgeous

I love Bethesda. Really, I do. Morrowind's one of my all-time favorites.

Sounds like America. My mom and brother are both teachers, and they're both exhausted from putting up with behavioral and academic issues on a daily basis. You can't really punish kids, though. I'm not saying you need to cane someone, but - at least back in the States - parents will actually call up the teacher and

The problem is that idiocy begets lone-wolfiness. I love BF3 when the team works together and I can actually play a strong medic role or (gasp) a real scout, but, in reality, I pretty much have to play as an engineer in the vast majority of the games I play. My teammates seem to be too busy running towards the closest

Now playing

For you, Street Fighter was the greatest video game movie of all time. But for me? It was Tuesday.

Yes, I would shell out a quick $20 for three maps, two game modes, and the promise of more riot shield glory. I mean, dual-wield riot shields. At least.

I really like invented languages - I think the idea's fascinating - but fantasy writers do little but piss me off when they try to come up with character names that look "exotic." I think the best example of someone doing it right is Tolkien - who happened to be a linguist as well as a writer.

I kinda figured, for the author's sake, referring to the sovereignty of Taiwan as an "issue" would be a lot safer if they're actually in China right now. I'm not sure how the author's in the country, but I'd assume it's safer to do as the Romans do, so to speak, when it comes to blogging.

Oh - I wasn't saying Skyrim or ME were good examples of sexuality. I was 1) using the world of Skyrim as an example of how to do race (since it's such a common source of problems in Tamriel) and 2) using ME to talk about race, not sexuality. In terms of sexuality, nothing comes to mind that is particularly well-done.


Agreed. In terms of "character branding" (if you want to meld literature and marketing), the N7 logo is more beloved by ME fans than that ridiculously generic-looking bald Shep. They could have given him a mohawk, a giant eye scar, and ICP clown paint for all I care.

1) I used to play WH40k, WHFB, and GW's LotR game (and I would have played Warmaster, Mordheim, and Inquisitor if any of my friends were cool enough to learn the rules...), but I had to quit because the basic price of the models became exceedingly expensive over time. Looking back (and still as an owner of hundreds of

I actually missed the pre-Modern Warfare CoDs (I had a long strategy/RPG/Nintendo-only period in my life), but I really did enjoy some of the bolt-action and semi-auto guns in W@W. The accuracy of the StG was a little too much to handle once everyone unlocked it, but there's very little more satisfying than using the

If they do another Bad Company, this one better be funnier. I thought the first BF:BC was genuinely charming as a console FPS, but BC2's campaign took a wrong turn towards seriousness - and I've barely even touched the BF3 campaign so far due to the virtual soullessness of it. (I got two or three missions in. Maybe