Gary the Dairy Fairy

For what it's worth, I'm a huge fan of the show, and I've always thought the commercials have done a terrible job of representing it.

Nah. Nowhere near as good as Raimi's first two Spidey films, but it was decent. 6/10.

Can't be worse than Spider-Man 3 or ASM2. He's back in your court, Marvel. You'd better deliver.

I have to say, I don't understand all the love for It Follows. I thought it was terrible. And don't tell me I don't like it because it's an internet darling, because I loved The Babadook.

Wow and you thought the tumblrinas were soft skinned. Get a load of these clowns.


And a soundtrack by Ludacris.

Good for you, but these are movies. Not feces.

I'd say in total, that cave pool scene was roughly 40 seconds long. I don't understand why it infuriated and confused people so much.

Pretty sure.

What are, you Santa Claus? Keep your hos to yourself!

There needs to be a behind-the-scenes documentary about the making of Fan4stic. If half of the rumors are true, it'd be fucking hilarious.

With today's cgi and all of the makeup they had him wear anyway, I feel like this shouldn't be a huge issue. Though if too much time goes by he may lose interest altogether, I guess.

Too bad. Really enjoyed the first film as a summer popcorn flick. It succeeded where garbage like the Transformers movies and the recent Godzilla reboot dropped the ball.

Fantastically written; just hilarious. Seems like a both amazing and horrifying experience.

I've yet to see a film that Alex Garland was involved in that I didn't like (Dredd, 28 Days, and Sunshine were all phenomenal). My anticipation for this is through the roof. I just need to find a place in Chicago that's screening it; no luck so far.