
Wow I totally missed that. His expression was weird though, like he was super confused by the whole thing. And Jake pretty much smelled him like he wasn't even there. Thanks for clearing that up though.

Is anyone going to mention that overweight guy who was standing right in front of Jake, Boyle, and Holt when they raided that apartment, and they did nothing? What was the deal with that?

This might be one of the the darkest comedies ever; it seems that every episode it turns more into a drama. I agree with the reviewer that it is becoming more painful to laugh at these characters' misery, but that doesn't make it any less enjoyable. It never occurred to me that the whole show so far has been one

So glad Big Time is getting coverage. I was skeptical at first, but I had no idea how crazy the plot would be; I don't think I have ever been surprised so many times in a comedy before. And somehow this show can make a brutal suicide funny. I also loved the cuts from scene to scene in this episode, they should keep

I don't know. If the writers wanted to keep them in Modesto, I don't really see the point of having them attempt to flee. It just added more that didn't need to be there in my opinion. If the pacing of their plot keeps up, they're going to steal the spotlight of the other families.

I agree that the Carter and Aubry plot was rushed. It felt out of place from the slower and more defined plot of everything else, and it easily could have been stretched for a couple more episodes. Everything else is great though! I love the cinematography on this show; there is nothing else like it.

Seasons 1-3 are absolutely hilarious for me; it's some of the funniest TV I've seen, no matter how many times I watch it. It's subjective though, people have different senses of humor. I laugh really easily. The newer seasons haven't been as funny to me, especially since the departure of Troy, but still laugh-out-loud

This is what I mean by taking the show too seriously: "It’s shocking that the campus hasn’t been shut down and bulldozed by now given how many people have been tasked with fixing what the characters have repeatedly concluded can’t be or shouldn’t be fixed." Anyone who thinks that Greendale is supposed to be a school

I totally agree. I love Frankie's interactions with Abed, and she serves as a nice counter to everyone else's craziness. I'm not sure what to think of Elroy yet though; I don't really think he is going to get enough laughs.

I seem to be in the minority here, but I thought the first episode was hilarious. The super-meta humor, the Abed montages, Todd, and the guy dressed as a carrot had me dying! I might be too happy this show is still on the air, especially considering I've followed it from day one.