
This is the most disgraceful, ignorant, hypocritical and disrespectful articles with such ignorant hypocritical people posting comments on here as well. Obviously there was Irish slaves! Yet to dismiss their struggles and mistreatment because they were white is sickening! This is the sentiment spewing throughout

You are crazy! And if you’re saying that you’re Irish then you are a disgrace to Irish heritage.

Truth is there were Irish SLAVES! And for you to dismiss that due to color of skin makes you sound racist. For you to claim that the white people (Irish) slaves didn’t suffer or they don’t matter makes me wanna throw up. You are so so wrong! You sound very ignorant, selfish, and vindictive. And the only ones who are

That’s such BS! And if it is that bad for African/Americans then how bout they leave and go to Africa. No...they won’t do that cause they’re way too pampered right here in America. The black slaves have been vindicated and yet the fact that there were Irish slaves yet cause they are white it doesn’t matter or isn’t as

You and this entire article about how there was never Irish slaves or that there was 10,000 Irish slaves so that doesn’t amount to enough to consider slaves is ridiculous. I don’t believe ANY of this article. Because there is an agenda out there probably race war that supports African slavery but absolutely not white