
Hey look, it passes the Bechdel Test!

My daughter can vote for the first time in November- for a woman POTUS. Goddamn, that is something.

I’m genuinely sad my feminist mom didn’t get to live to see this.

I’ve gotta say, as a woman, I’m kind of having a moment right now. My daughter will grow up in a different world than I did and it thrills me.

Please please please please let the screaming “progressive” masses just sit down and start supporting Hillary now. Or at least be honest about why they don’t support her.

I am an independent, and was unable to vote in my state’s caucus. I do not think the super delegate system should be changed by someone who is

No matter how you feel about her, 100 years ago American women didn’t even have the right to vote, so this is pretty cool.


Feeling very grateful to The Slot for such an insightful critique because I just read a similar story over on the Gawker main page and was so stupid and childishly snarky that I nearly stroked out.

I’d say it’s either because that person tends to make irritating/unsettling facial expressions or because that person had certain facial characteristics that you associate with certain personal characteristics.

Chad reminds me of my abusive ex so much. I’m riveted to the tv and repulsed at the same time. Hypercritical of everyone, every situation? Check. Thinks he’s a God given gift to women, a REAL man that a GOOD woman needs and appreciates? Check. Doesn’t think a woman deserves nice words, care, consideration and respect

Can’t she just marry Yara? She’s not planning on having any babies anyway so like...can we just get some queen love happening?

In Dany’s speech she used almost the exact same words that Khal Drogo used in season one when he told the Dothraki he would cross the narrow sea and make his son the king.

Every time I see the Children of the Forest I’m reminded of Ferngully.

I really really want a platonic We Just Love Each Other As Best Friends girl-girl celebration of a friendship thing to be a thing and I am already feeling awkward and embarrassed trying to explain it to my mother (who thinks I am too close with my BFF and disguises her judgement as concern for my fiancé, who is

My best friend and I comment on how sad we are for people who claim their significant other is their ‘best friend’. We’ve both been in serious relationships at points during our friendship. And well, neither of us are now, so there’s that. Point is, while we hope sometimes when we’re with a beau that it’ll last, we

I completely agree with you about the partner as best friend thing. I love the shit out of my boyfriend and our relationship and friendship, but he has only been in my life for 4 years. My best friends have been there for 20+ there’s just no contest (and it shouldn’t be a contest)

I’ve always fantasized about sharing a house with my 3 best friends when we’re old, Golden Girls style (I’ve been designated the Sophia). My husband rightly remarked “so in your fantasy retirement scenario I’m dead?”

I loved Ramsay’s face after her cannibalism question. It was like “What? No! I’m not a monster.

Do you study healthcare economics? Because I do, and Ark is right.