
In defense of the geeks sexualizing Melisandre, she’s literally trying to fuck someone every five minutes. Which I totally get. Beyond the fact that it seems to be her super power, if I had the power to make myself look like that, I’d be riding all the hottest dick in Westeros, too.

ALL RIGHT, YOU ALL. If felons can get back their right to vote, NOBODY HAS AN EXCUSE. I’d better see every one of your shining faces at the ballot/mailbox on Election Day AND YOU’D BETTER FILL OUT THE WHOLE DAMN BALLOT. I don’t want any whining about how “hard” it is to keep up with issues/candidates, either. Read a

I smoke every day, and I've been smoking so long you would have know idea that I had smoked. I don't get High before work though just cuz I think that's dumb. But other activities? I don't see why not. And I don't have to smoke, when I go on vacation I won't bring weed on a plane because I'm a lawyer and don't want to

Okay okay. We get that it’s 4/20 but enough with the weed stories. You do know that a woman pretty much secured the Presidency yesterday right? Can we get some more coverage on that when you get a chance?

Bernie supporters are the liberal version of Trump supporters. I can say that because I am one. We’re sick of the establishment & someone like him is extremely refreshing compared to business-as-usual candidates. That being said, I’m already sick of my fellow supporters thinking he’ll magically get everything he wants

Another good question. Long story short: my husband started watching it, and my curiosity was piqued. So I watched the first episode with the resolve that I would not keep watching if it was too gory. It was DEFINITELY too gory. I also really, REALLY wanted to know what happened next. So here we are, five seasons

If the Spice Girls can do it, anyone can.

Some counterpoints:

Well at least now her wedding won’t be spoiled for you

My eyes just rolled so hard they fell out of my head and now I am blind.

I made a burner for this. No one knows this story except me, my husband and our healthcare providers. I had an abortion of a baby I wanted more than anything, ever. I loved her so much.

Yes! Me too. So Hillary is evil because she has changed her mind for the good in some social issues and Trump is not that bad because maybe he doesn’t really believe that all Mexicans are rapists? Even though nothing he has said really backs up that hope (the hope that he doesn't really believe it). What kind of world

That’s not any better, really. It’s taking away votes that can allow the Republicans to win. Every vote matters because honestly, a third party will not be winning.

The awkward hug with the three of them really took the cake last night. Producer magic to get Caila’s exit over with beforehand in order to crank up the awkward at the rose ceremony. Without a despondent woman to walk out to the escalade, Ben didn’t seem to know what to do with himself!

“I do love you, but like a contestant.”

How to buy cookies from troops in your local council. PLEASE DO IT THIS WAY!

My family wants to be involved but I keep them at a distance on purpose. And I will totally tell my man not to ask anyone for permission to ask for ~my hand in marriage. Fuck that creepy tradition. Like you said, it’s nobody’s decision but mine. My grown ass doesn’t need permission to say yes.

He was also on Storage Wars Texas so my money is on the publicity.

Yeah, when I was younger, I made the mistake of complaining to my mom about my spouse. I stopped when I realized she seemed to enjoy it too much. Even years later, she likes to dredge up the things I said eons ago when I didn’t understand how stupid it was to bring other people into your relationships.