
I hope that Ben will mention JoJo’s sister in an upcoming episode and JoJo will say something like, “I had a sister....but she died in 2004.” GHOST SISTER!

YES. what the f was that? a high school kid thinks he has the right to get all protective of a 25 year old’s sex life?

I think you are right in some ways, a bit misguided in others.

That was so cringey— I assumed they were too young to know how awkward that question was.

Self-defence is an important skill girls and boys should learn. In the same way swimming is. Sure, you may go through your life entirely able to avoid danger the same way you may entirely avoid water. But no matter how careful you are, you might fall in to the lake one day.

quick point on your #2. yes, those houses are absolutely staged, with shot framing in mind. one time, my aunt got filmed in her house for a segment on oprah (praise be to oprah), and they made her whole place look like a crazy person’s house. it looked good on the show, though. i feel like the weirdness of these homes

all you said is true, but i have to imagine that plenty gets lost in translation from their experiences to our televisions. just, for example, it takes hours to do everything because they’re always having to time it right with the cameras and permits and stuff, and on those all-day dates we only see their romantic

She really should have gotten more notice for Ex Machina. That movie in general should have more recognition; it’s easily in my top five from the last year.

Mad Max! Mad Max! Mad Max!

I truly do not know. I have been thinking about this all afternoon (my life is thrilling). My parents live on one income right now (my mom’s), and I think my dad’s complaint is that if he were single, he’d be able to qualify for “welfare”, but since mom works, he doesn’t get to take advantage of those programs.

they say that about PCOS. if you manage to get pregnant with PCOS the first few months after birth it’s like your fertility resets itself and starts to behave as ‘normal’ for a few cycles and bam - surprise baby! :) I have PCOS and even though it would be hard as hell having two tiny ones it would be SO worth it after

It worries me too. I think, in this case, it may be more true of one side than the other, however. There’s derision coming out of the Clinton camp, but most of it is directed at Sanders supporters rather than at Sanders himself. Unlike many Sanders supporters, I am old enough to remember the 2000 debacle and Nader’s

Lolz. I’m with you on that one! Imagine our partners.... “Dear (amercauzombie would say ‘Darl’), thats enough brains, even for you. Shall we watch reruns of TWD and root for the actual good guys now?”

And our trip was Orlando to Reykjavik to London, then Glasgow to Reykjavik to Orlando. Easy peasy flying, and we upgraded to their middle tier, which gave us plenty of free luggage and let us use the first class lounge on every leg. Trust me, the Saga Lounge in Reykjavik is a place you want to be.

It’s been going on for some time now, so I’m assuming they still allow you to stop during your layover in Reykjavik for up to either 5 or 7 days with no penalty in your airfare. You just get back on your connecting flight a few days later, no harm done. It’s a genius idea. I can’t believe more national airlines aren’t

i absolutely prefer bernie to hillary, but i know she will get the nom. i just want someone who is not a republican as president. with hopefully 9 justices in the supreme court before they get there...

Well, yeah. You should know that the Democrats are really divided compared to the Republicans. We’ve seen it since at least the 1990s. The Democrats could’ve done some progressive things when they held the majority 10 years ago, but you’d have to do some research regarding any meaningful bills from Congress in this


I maintain that Final Fantasy IX is Uematsu’s finest soundtrack.