
So last night I was remembering how Ben was supposedly so in love with Kaitlyn on her season. He still even seemed in love with her on that Bachelor talk show at the beginning of this year. But NONE of the women in his final group are anything like Kaitlyn. So either a. he doesn’t know what he wants or b. it’s all a

I think of her as the den mother for the Bachelor sorority. She seems so much more mature somehow. And I don’t know why she is on this goddamn show again! C’mon Becca. There’s someone out there for you and he isn’t simultaneously dating 20 other women.

Eh, I got married because I got pregnant, at 20. We married after our son was born when we were 21 and 22. Lots of hardships, to say the least. We learned (after the fact) that guests actually took bets as to how long our marriage would last. Six months was at the top end with a few being generous at one year. We are

That’s legit, especially since the way the show tackles parenthood was annoying. If my kid made me a nasty gross sandwich, I would not eat it, especially if I spent good money on a super delicious one. My marriage is awesome and having a kid makes it better. But at the same time, the final episode totally led us to

Wow, that was a thoughtful response. I think that your desires and life plan are realistic, which means you have a better chance at being happy in life.

Congratulations on your marriage! I totally understand the feeling of disconnect between your life and the life of the wandering / adventuring young adult. Met my husband in college, traveled a bit before graduation, married when I was 25, first kid at 27. No regrets. We live in a crazy expensive town, yet have a nice

You are following the socially-approved path! Congratulations, people treat you as normal! If you live outside a major city, your life is pretty typical.

Hey girl. I got married at 23 and am turning 29 tomorrow and this shit is a constant adventure and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Agreed. After all the evidence Susan herself found (she was the one that picked up on the faulty cell towers and the lividity issue... Oh, she saw something was up with Don’s alibi which gave something for Bob to investigate and clarify), she can be as snarky and sassy as she damn well pleases. Especially after the

The Serial updates are like revisiting an old friend you didn’t think you would see again but the Undisclosed updates are more thorough. I’m kinda digging on new, sassy Susan.

People who talk about how much of a rebel they are and how they “hate that PC shit” are usually just seeking a pass to be a gratuitous asshole.

this could be really lovely, and resonate a lot with my generation, who was always around Harry’s age when the books came out (I was 10 when I read the first one, and 19 when the last one came out), who are now starting to have kids and move into a different phase of life.

1. Don’s employment history was brought up because it is relevant to his “alibi”. Oh, to be clear, Bob Ruff on Truth and Justice/ Serial Dynasty was the one who brought it up.

I have seen this thinking in my friends and associates. It is a trap.
If you are still happy with your wife now, then don’t obsess over imaginary wife. If you have problems with your real wife (even if they are that you need more from her), then those are things she should be hearing about.
30 year old you SHOULD have a

My parents had Everything You Wanted To Know About Sex But Were Afraid To Ask. I read it in 5th grade. I was astonished. I knew nothing about the whole penis-in-vagina thing... I thought all you had to do was kiss to have babies. I really couldn’t imagine ever wanting to do that. I mean, yuck. The 5th grade was not a

Absolutely a producer move.

I’ve been where you are, with depression weighing me down and feeling like I had no interests. What did you used to like doing? Try doing it again. Invest in it, love doing it, and don’t feel any shame. I’m a huge sci-fi dork, and while it might not be cool to my peers, getting back into that helped me get through my

interests you

I’m sorry, but I think that is ridiculous. It’s not somehow anti-woman to not want an innocent person to be in jail.

I thought I was following a friend on Instagram for a year, then learned I was following her dog’s account. So all that time I was responding to her talking as her dog and her responding to my comments as her dog! I had no idea. Now I follow both of the accounts. She literally curates two Instagram accounts for