It is for everyone else to see, not actual communication with eachother. Everytime I see something like this, I assume the marriage is on the fritz and they are over compensating.
It is for everyone else to see, not actual communication with eachother. Everytime I see something like this, I assume the marriage is on the fritz and they are over compensating.
While they were growing up, I was very, very fortunate that my daughters ate everything that was put in front of them, but they also developed their own palates. They certainly didn’t have any qualms about telling you, “NO, that is EGGPLANT and YUK, I have eaten eggplant before and I only like it WITH THAT RED SAUCE,…
Hae was rushing out of school that day to meet someone. That someone was likely the person who killed her. Its unlikely the person she was going to meet was Adnan since she could have met him at school. I doubt it was Jay either. It really does look like the police forced Jay to pin the blame on Adnan. One of the…
maybe the person who had the ticket is dead? only rational conclusion.
I just want to see these people tear through the entire Final Fantasy universe, Amano and Nomura alike.
In my line of work, if I bring up my child, work-life balance, or whatever the response is “Well you shouldn’t have chosen this line of work then!”
I like Lauren H even less than I like Olivia. She's my least favorite contestant- she seems SO disingenuous and she has snake eyes. The "bubbly kindergarten teacher" thing is 100% fabricated. Also, she can take the soccer mom comment and shove it up her tightly-wound ass. Ridiculous.
Who is the young woman in the front? Why is she doing this? What is her story? I can understand simply not wanting to have an abortion, even risking your own life to not have one, but I can’t understand taking the choice away from other women, even if I don’t approve. How can a young woman of child-bearing age mess…
I hate Christmas tree job postings. They’re the ones where everyone hangs on every little thing that they could possibly want. They end up looking like this:
Lifetime. I don’t know if they have episodes online.
She definitely does! I would guess she was 28-30 if I didn’t know. She seems very poised on camera (cake bit aside) and even when she’s upset/ranting, you can tell that she’s, like, working it. Totally agree about Amber- being the oldest woman in the house and the first to try some openly petty “we just wanna talk to…
If you’re in the states, Google it and watch it free on Lifetime, the channel of all channels.
Oh, I definitely felt bad for her- I watched that whole scene through my fingers. But I also felt less bad than I would have if it was one of the other girls, because she’s been so catty and disrespectful and “I’m not here to make friends!!!!” thus far. No one’s there to make friends, but if you’re going to be…
Roe v. Wade established the decision to have an abortion was protected under the privacy provision of the 14th amendment, but the judgement also established a trimester framework that balanced a woman’s right to choose abortion with the state’s right to protect the unborn:
If we’re just talking kid’s books.... Cassie, from Animorphs
Seriously, plus I don’t know much about sports or their fans but it seems that the reasons for becoming a fan of a team can be so varied that it comes down to anything from hometown pride, to amount of wins, all the way down to specific player has been signed there.
The loss of the Cup hurt the worst. :/
But people have made BLOGS about her cankles!!!