
Haha, oh man. Number one, what a fun interview. Julian Bashir was totally my fave as a kid (I liked/identified with his nerdy enthusiasm for much the same reason I loved Geordi), and even though Garak outshines him in my now-older days, his friendships with Garak & O'Brien are still one of the best things from that

BSG really had a great crop of women characters. I could sit here for 20 minutes & try to remember them all, but I bet I'd still come up half-a-dozen short at least.

Even if the source is wackadoodle, I think remixing their actually useful info into your own life is perfectly okay.

Sleepy Hollow is another to buck the Burton adaptation trend IMO, and evidence that he can both transform and do right by another's original work.

There are the Library Editions, which are big black beautiful things & give some TLC to the earliest stuff (remastering & fixing some messed up colors, mostly).

Just how backed up are you on Hellboy? The events directly leading up to Hellboy's death & descent into Hell wrapped up some pretty major shit, including one of the ongoing plots you mentioned (in my reading, anyway).