U warg, bro?
U warg, bro?
You forgot the most important part about how to get on with life afterwards: start collecting bottlecaps.
Then I’ll be tried and convicted for assault because this is Trump’s America.
First man that grabs my pussy will hAve to seek medical attention in order to retrieve his balls from his throat, which is where their final resting place will be from me kicking them so hard.
I hate to say it, but if I thought of it after seeing a threat on The Concourse then those bigoted turds have kicked that idea months ago.
You accidentally clipped too high. The next paragraph was about how Gygax gave them the right to vote, provided they had a current ID and proof of residency, so they have legal standing in some states.
Join us Thursday for first segment of a new CNN Special Report:
Decision 2016 Part II. Should I Be Upset With Donald Trump?
It’s amazing to me how quickly the “mainstream media” has normalized this shit. Not even two weeks after the election, and still months before he’s sworn in, and fucking CNN is already waffling on whether it’s really fair to expect the leader of the free world to alienate his base by confirming that he doesn’t think…
"I've only seen a few games that use bouncing in that way"