Squamate Primate

Cool racism bro

Cool racism bro

They also have a bunch of Trump and Qanon fans, but sure, mental midget, ramble about cartoons. You’re a straight-up psychopath.

Yup. Don’t expect the Times to do their supposed job here. They’re fed their “foreign reporting” by the U.S. government and haven’t had a foreign bureau worth the name in years.

Without “identity politics”? As usual, the Times goes Nazi. And they’re wrong on the facts. Hop on Twitter some time and you’ll find plenty of Japanese QAnon psychos.



Yes. Welcome to the rotting undead tomb of superhero comics for the last decade and a half

Don’t worry, the movie will probably fucking suck in exactly that way

What are you talking about, this guy just posts a Google search every time, he never has any idea what he’s bringing up

Shut the fuck up

Yeah, a poor idea all around


Literally everyone on the team dies or the movie has failed

They compared it to the original Godzilla movie which focuses heavily on its human characters. Why the fuck do you open your mouth when you don’t know know shit?

You are absolutely right. Tone is absolutely the biggest reason this movie is so crappy, and you put your finger right on the most glaring example.

This movie is a great example of how style for its own sake rarely works

It certainly wasn’t well-written don’t know if the movie was well-directed in many aspects because I couldn’t tell through the cinematography, which seemed to operate on the premise of “fuck establishing a tone, movies are about pairing up shots in a faux-clever way with no rhyme or reason”

Would have been a great moment if his character were a sound one, instead of relying completely on other aspects of pop culture (including Jackson’s other, better movies) to provide definition the movie itself couldn’t or merely didn’t 

Because none of the characters were thought through at all. They were pretty much character sketches with zero development, which is why the movie couldn’t seem to decide whether any of them dying was supposed to be (a) sad, (b) frightening or (c) funny. Part of the biggest problem “Skull Island” had, a stunningly