Who the fuck cares
Who the fuck cares
Disney’s? LMAO
You should be hammered with “spoilers” until you’re cured of your phobia by exposure
Shut the fuck up
Everyone is Disney’s whore
Go fuck yourself
Old people are boring
Take your meds
Aristocrats ghost-writing novels again. Okay
Why not talk about it as a TV show
What about the TV show as a TV show instead of your pretend friend
Good gravy does the world ever deserve this bullshit thanks to people like you
“Teaser”? This show is in the middle of a season right now LMAO
I mean it’s the obvious comparison right? Wtf
Wow, this doesn’t sound at all exaggerated to make you sound important
IV, this review doesn’t make a lot of sense.
what the fuck
I’m going to personally kill the person who wrote the script
I guess this explains why you don’t get it. You don’t understand that you can chew scenery if there’s something behind it.