Squamate Primate

Wrong, wrong, wrong. Because his point was that what all of you are treating as a twist wasn’t a twist, not even to you. It’s kind of disturbing, to be honest, that you’re pretending you were surprised by it. Unless you’re five years old or something, you couldn’t be.

He’s not a real guy. You can’t “blame” him for anything. He’s a character in a movie.

LOL, very cute fan fiction

LMAO... just adorable. But, no, none of that was planned

There’s also an Infinity Gauntlet in Thor. None of this shit was planned

You absolutely don’t need hours of ‘90s-dated ‘50s/’60s/’70s sitcom parodies for anything

Nothing about this show’s main plotline is mysterious

That’s certainly a common and wry observation that would have been relevant during the year that movie came out

Spoiler: it already has ruined movies

That would certainly make suicide look better

Yeah, super-depressing stuff

It’s adorable you know that Doctor Strange “would be the one to call” but were throwing a tantrum a couple days ago where you pretended you (and the writer of the article you were whining on) didn’t know the story this was adapting

So was the character

Gag me

LMAO, are y’all seriously pretending you didn’t know the twist here? It’s literally in the trailers

Good example of how “spoiler” is an idea that grown-ups should have grown out of, like a lot of the rest of pop culture

It is literally never someone’s responsibility to keep from sharing “spoilers”

It’s likely driven by the current fad of seeing everything you like as equally good in quality, and by the neurotic escapism that replaced the useful concept “fictional world” with the marketing-speak “fictional universe”.

“canon”, like “spoiler”, needs to die yesterday. Infantilization

Reviews without “spoilers” are incompetent reviews